Security risks & AWS security – interview with an AWS expert 

As the digital environment changes, so do the means and security risks of cybercrime. We interviewed Petri Riihikallio, an experienced AWS expert and trainer, to find out what you need to consider right now to reduce your security risks. We also asked Petri how AWS can be adapted to organisations with high security requirements, for […]

Interview with Security & Azure Expert Sasha Kranjac

Hi Sasha Kranjac, you are an internationally recognized Security and Azure Expert, Architect, and Instructor. Thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions for us! It has previously been a problem for, for example, authorities to store in the cloud because they could not guarantee that servers within one’s own country. What is […]

AWS Jam gamifies learning around cloud services

AWS Jam is a fresh way to learn and practice in an AWS environment.  With AWS Jam, you get to practice and play in teams.  Jam events enable team building and problem solving through gamification.  You can participate either in teams or as an individual. Teams solve problems within an environment built by AWS.  At […]

Webinar: Azure Network Security

Nowadays, attack and protection focus has shifted towards identity and access management. While network security might no longer be the main administrators’ focus in cloud-based environments ,it is still extremely important part of the layered security approach and a vital defense layer, or element, in defense-in-depth strategy. Join this webinar where we will show crucial […]

Webinar: Breaking into security with Azure Security Center

Azure Security Center is a powerful security posture management and threat protection solution in Microsoft Azure. Using Azure Security Center, you can assess the security and compliance state and protect cloud and hybrid workloads from a central place. Find out the benefits, explore features and learn how to get started with Azure Security Center. This […]

AWS Discovery day

This cost-free course is designed to teach business leaders and IT technical professionals the benefits of computing in the AWS Cloud. This course covers AWS services for computing, storage, database management, networking, and content delivery. In this 3.5 h course, you will learn how to use AWS services to improve business processes and also gain […]

Why (and what) C-Level Executives need to know about Cloud Security?

The Chief Information Security Office (CISO) workshop contains a collection of security learnings, principles, and recommendations for modernizing security in your organization. This training workshop is a combination of experiences from Microsoft security teams and learnings from customers.Join us and find out why it is of utmost importance that C-Level or manager-level personnel know about […]

Informator har blivit AWS-partner!

Ibland tar det lite längre tid än man tänkt, men det gör det också så himla skönt när man väl går i mål!! Våren 2016 upptäckte jag att en gammal god kontakt från Microsoft hade lämnat den skutan för att jobba med Amazon här i Sverige och ungefär samtidigt att ytterligare en kontakt från MS-learning gått åt samma håll fast i USA.

Cloud-meteorologi 2.0: marknads- och arkitekt-perspektiv

telekommoln tornar sig runt dagens cloud-leverantörer Efter 20 års samarbete med Informator spetsar jag automatiskt öronen när gamla eller nya Informatorkunder tar till orda. Senast Ericsson nu i april, då Jason Hoffmann (produkt- och arkitekturansvarig for Cloud Systems & IP hos Ericsson, och numera bosatt i Sverige) talade på SICS-dagen i Kista om ”The future […]

Cloud-meteorologin i ett arkitekturperspektiv

företags-moln och telekom-moln blir inga finvädersmoln. Mitt långa samarbete med Informator har lärt mig spetsa öronen när andra (i regel mycket större) företag med Informatorkoppling syns och hörs. Senast Oracle i mars, då deras Senior Vice President Peter S Magnusson höll en intressant keynote på SICS-dagen i Kista, ”When worlds collide: Enterprise and CloudComputing”, som […]