Do you feel like you’ve been sitting in a rather pointless meeting recently? We think the answer for many is YES. Meetings without an agenda, meetings without goals, back-to-back meetings where there is no time for reflection or notes, meetings that are canceled at the last minute… Effective and value-creating yes… Wouldn’t it be nice if every meeting you attended was rewarding? Or as we say: Value-creating. As in, it’s really about what’s been said in the invitation, that it’s just the right length, that there are the right participants at the meeting and everyone gets to speak. And above all: it leads to something. Sweden, we have a result… But… That’s not always the case. Or quite rarely. You can encounter things like – most meeting participants are completely or partially unprepared.- the meeting is held because “we always have meetings on Mondays”.- there is poor discipline among the meeting participants and the meeting leader – talking at each other, surfing, texting- the purpose of the meeting is not clear – we do not actually know what the meeting is about. And all of the above is usually just a waste of time. And money.
To provide you with tools and methods to be able to conduct the most value-adding meetings possible.
The Effective and Value-Creating Meetings course aims to help you and your organization become better at meetings, i.e. technically and in terms of preparation, and that the meetings should also be better in terms of relationships. Therefore, it is suitable for all levels and professional groups.
The course does not require any prior knowledge but it is helpful if you have some meeting experience.
This course has no certification
The course mixes a large number of practical exercises with theory. You will be given examples of a number of creativity exercises, idea generation and decision-making tools, as well as checklists to use in your future meetings.
Basics of meeting techniques
Definition of effective and value-adding meetings
Different types of meetings and their purposes
Discussion of common challenges and problems in meetings
Purpose and impact objectives – why should we meet?
And not least: How long will we meet?
How should I prepare?
And how can I get the best-prepared participants?
How should I start and end the meeting?
Invitation instead of summons
Who should be involved and why?
How should I invite – which channel is best?
How early can I invite?
The agenda
Do we need an agenda?
KISS – keep it short and simple
The importance of preparation
The “Other issues” item – boo or baa?
The meeting room
Wishes and requirements for an efficient meeting environment
Approach and rules of the game
What is OK for us?
What rules do we need for a value-adding meeting?
Are we really going to meet?
Non-value adding routine meetings
Remove every other?
Digital meetings
Tips and tricks for the best conditions
Techniques for participation and engagement
How do I get the best and most out of the participants?
What creates interaction and group dynamics?
Different methods of decision making
How to ensure that all participants are heard
How to deal with disagreement and reach consensus
Your place in space
Your body language – what should you be aware of?
How to manage time and keep the meeting on track
How do I handle challenging situations in the meeting?
Participants’ role and responsibility for the content of the meeting
The meeting does not always go as planned – what do I do then?
How do I create good conditions for a creative meeting?
What questions spark interest and stimulate thinking?
Generating ideas outside the box
Course Overview
2 days
Can’t find a (suitable) date, but are interested in the course? Send in an expression of interest and we will do what we can to find a suitable opportunity.
Customized Courses
The course can be adapted from several perspectives:
In interaction with the course leader, we ensure that the course meets your needs.
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