Introduction to IT Infrastructure & Cloud

Introduction to IT Infrastructure & Cloud

Course Summary

This course gives non-technical staff an insight into how different types of IT infrastructure work and how all or part of it can be moved to the cloud.
You will also learn what requirements this places on staff and/or hired consultants.
The course is product-neutral and deals with the different technologies that exist and how these can interact to solve different organizations’ needs.
The course is primarily aimed at those who purchase, recruit staff or have overall responsibility for infrastructure.

Anyone interested in learning more about platforms and cloud integrations and their features and benefits.


Be able to participate in discussions and projects involving:

  • infrastructure, its construction and understand the skills required for installation, configuration and maintenance.
  • different types of cloud services are used and understand the skills needed to use these services.
  • Hardware, servers, routers, networks, workstations
  • Software, operating system, open source, applications, script
  • Staff skills needs
  • Virtualization, servers, workstations, virtual hardware
  • Private clouds, Public clouds, hybrids
  • Different types of cloud services
  • Different cloud service providers
  • What skills are needed


Course Overview

10 950 kr

1 day

Can’t find a (suitable) date, but are interested in the course? Send in an expression of interest and we will do what we can to find a suitable opportunity.

Customized Courses

The course can be adapted from several perspectives:

  • Content and focus area
  • Extent and scope
  • Delivery approach

In interaction with the course leader, we ensure that the course meets your needs.

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