ISO/IEC 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager, PECB Certified

ISO/IEC 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager, PECB Certified

Course Summary

ISO/IEC 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager training enables you to acquire the expertise and competence needed to support an organization in implementing and managing a Cybersecurity program based on ISO/IEC 27032 and NIST Cybersecurity framework.

During this training course, you will gain a comprehensive knowledge of Cybersecurity, the relationship between Cybersecurity and other types of IT security, and stakeholders’ role in Cybersecurity.

After mastering all the necessary concepts of Cybersecurity, you can sit for the exam and apply for a “PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager” credential. By holding a PECB Lead Cybersecurity Manager Certificate, you will be able to demonstrate that you have the practical knowledge and professional capabilities to support and lead a team in managing Cybersecurity.

  • Acquire comprehensive knowledge on the elements and operations of a Cybersecurity Program in conformance with ISO/IEC 27032 and NIST Cybersecurity framework
  • Acknowledge the correlation between ISO 27032, NIST Cybersecurity framework and other standards and operating frameworks
  • Master the concepts, approaches, standards, methods and techniques used to effectively set up, implement, and manage a Cybersecurity program within an organization
  • Learn how to interpret the guidelines of ISO/IEC 27032 in the specific context of an organization
  • Master the necessary expertise to plan, implement, manage, control and maintain a Cybersecurity Program as specified in ISO/IEC 27032 and NIST Cybersecurity framework
  • Acquire the necessary expertise to advise an organization on the best practices for managing Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity professionals
  • Information Security experts
  • Professionals seeking to manage a Cybersecurity program
  • Individuals responsible to develop a Cybersecurity program
  • IT specialists
  • Information Technology expert advisors
  • IT professionals looking to enhance their technical skills and knowledge

A fundamental understanding of ISO/IEC 27032 and comprehensive knowledge of Cybersecurity.

Re­mo­te Proc­to­red Cer­ti­fica­tion Exam

  • You can take the certification test online at your computer at the time most convenient to you.
  • Exam duration: 3 hours
  • Certification fees are included on the exam price.
  • In case of exam failure, you can retake the exam within 12 months for free.

The “PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager” remote proctored exam fully meets the requirements of the PECB Examination and Certification Programme (ECP). The remote proctored exam covers the following competency domains:

  • Domain 1: Fundamental principles and concepts of Cybersecurity
  • Domain 2: Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders
  • Domain 3: Cybersecurity Risk Management
  • Domain 4: Attack mechanisms and Cybersecurity controls
  • Domain 5: Information sharing and coordination
  • Domain 6: Integrating Cybersecurity Program in Business Continuity Management
  • Domain 7: Cybersecurity incident management and performance measurement

After successfully completing the exam, you can apply for the credentials shown below. You will receive a certificate once you comply with all the requirements related to the selected credential.

The requirements for PECB Lead Cybersecurity Manager Certifications are:

  • PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27032 Cybersecurity Manager
    • Passed PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager exam
    • Professional experience: Two years: One year of work experience in Cybersecurity
    • CSMS Project experience: Cybersecurity activities: a total of 200 hours
  • PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager
    • Passed PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager exam
    • Professional experience: Five years: Two years of work experience in Cybersecurity
    • CSMS Project experience: Cybersecurity activities: a total of 300 hours
  • PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27032 Senior Lead Cybersecurity Manager
    • Passed PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager exam
    • Professional experience: Ten years: Seven years of work experience in Cybersecurity
    • CSMS Project experience: Cybersecurity activities: a total of 1000 hours

This training is based on both theory and best practices used in the implementation and management of a Cybersecurity Program. Lecture sessions are illustrated with examples based on case studies. Practical exercises are based on a case study which includes role playing and discussions. Practical tests are similar to the Certification Exam.

Day 1 In­tro­duc­tion to Cy­ber­secu­ri­ty and re­la­ted con­cepts as re­com­men­ded by ISO/​IEC 27032

  • Course objectives and structure
  • Standards and regulatory frameworks
  • Fundamental concepts in Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity program
  • Initiating a Cybersecurity program
  • Analyzing the organization
  • Leadership

Day 2 Cy­ber­secu­ri­ty po­li­ci­es, risk ma­na­ge­ment and at­tack me­cha­nisms

  • Cybersecurity policies
  • Cybersecurity risk management
  • Attack mechanisms

Day 3 Cy­ber­secu­ri­ty con­trols, in­for­ma­tion sha­ring and co­or­di­na­tion

  • Cybersecurity controls
  • Information sharing and coordination
  • Training and awareness program

Day 4 In­ci­dent ma­na­ge­ment, mo­ni­to­ring and con­ti­nu­ous im­pro­ve­ment

  • Business continuity
  • Cybersecurity incident management
  • Cybersecurity incident response and recovery
  • Testing in Cybersecurity
  • Performance measurement
  • Continuous improvement
  • Closing the training

Course Overview

35 000 kr

5 days

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Customized Courses

The course can be adapted from several perspectives:

  • Content and focus area
  • Extent and scope
  • Delivery approach

In interaction with the course leader, we ensure that the course meets your needs.

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