Course Summary

Do you sometimes need to get feedback from e.g. a webinar or course you organized?
Or create a quiz, i.e. a course questionnaire that tests participants’ level of knowledge? There are many apps for this on the web, but if you have M365, you can use the app for E-forms called MS Forms.

This is a web-based app, both for building and filling in the form. So this form can be filled in via a link in an email, or on LinkedIn, or why not directly on your Intranet home page. In this course module, you will get the basics of how to build the forms, control who can use it and how to fill it in. You will learn how to see the answers and tips on how to automatically save all incoming answers in a SharePoint list.

For those who want to expand their knowledge of Microsoft Forms.

Used to running SharePoint and MS Teams

This course has no certification

Course Overview

5 475 kr

0.5 days

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The course can be adapted from several perspectives:

  • Content and focus area
  • Extent and scope
  • Delivery approach

In interaction with the course leader, we ensure that the course meets your needs.

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