Administration of IBM DataPower Gateway V7.6

Administration of IBM DataPower Gateway V7.6


This course is designed for administrators who install, manage, and monitor IBM DataPower Gateway Appliances. The course is also relevant for developers who administer appliances.

  • Configure an appliance for its initial deployment
  • Download and upgrade the firmware on the DataPower appliances
  • Create and manage user accounts, groups, and domains
  • Configure Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to and from DataPower Appliances
  • Troubleshoot and debug services by using the problem determination tools, logs, and probes that are provided with the DataPower appliance
  • Configure logging of messages to external locations


  • Exercise 1: Upgrading image firmware
  • Exercise 2: Using the CLI and the XML Management Interface to manage DataPower appliances
  • Exercise 3: Using the troubleshooting tools to debug errors
  • Exercise 4: Securing connections with SS
  • Exercise 5: Logging to an external system


You should be familiar with:

  • Security-based concepts and protocols
  • Ubuntu Linux
  • Networking protocols
  • Course introduction
  • DataPower deployment environments
  • Initial setupManaging firmware
  • Exercise: Upgrading image firmware
  • DataPower administration overview
  • Using CLI and the XML Management Interface to configure appliance access
  • Exercise: Using the CLI and the XML Management Interface to manage DataPower appliances
  • DataPower services overview
  • Using the Web Management Blueprint Console to configure appliance access
  • Troubleshooting
  • Exercise: Using the troubleshooting tools to debug errors
  • DataPower cryptographic tools and SSL setup
  • Exercise: Securing connections with SSL
  • Logging and log targets
  • Exercise: Logging to an external system
  • Course summary

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24 285 kr

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