Is agile architecture the next step in your professional life, making you wonder what the architect role is and what it takes? Or do you already feel you need to add more structure to your current work as an architect?
Agile Architecture Fundamentals course will:
Basic UML experience is preferable, although not required, since diagrams in the course use UML.
Experience as a developer, or similar roles in the IT field, is also preferable.
Architecture experience is optional, because both experienced and newly appointed architects get useful information from the course.
Denna kurs har ingen certifiering.
Day 1
Basic process of architecture
Enterprise, Solution/Software, System Architect
EA in a nutshell
System architect
Day 2 – A first-cut Solution architecture
Step 1 – Architecturally significant requirements
Step 2 – Solution Architecture
Step 3 – System Architecture
Step 4 – Implementation
Step 5 – Deployment
Architecture from a knowledge perspective
19 450 kr
2 Dagar
Distans, Klassrum
Engelska, Svenska
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Företagsanpassad kurs
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