Check Point Automation Specialist R80.40 (CCAS)

Check Point Automation Specialist R80.40 (CCAS)


Technical professionals who automate, orchestrate, and troubleshoot Check Point secured environmentsCOURSE OBJECTIVES
– Explain how automation and orchestration work together
– Understand the key drivers for incorporating automation and orchestration into security management
– Execute a shell script that demonstrates how to build a comprehensive Security Policy.
– Recognize how the Check Point API framework integrates with R80 Security Management to support automation and orchestration of daily tasks
– Describe Check Point API tools and demonstrate how they are used to manage Check Point Security Management solutions
– Demonstrate how to define new objects and modify existing ones by using the Check Point API
– Demonstrate how to create API commands to efficiently maintain the Check Point Security Management Server database
– Demonstrate how to use different methods to update the database with API commands
– Become familiar with client-side and server-side scripting and scripting languages
– Understand how to use the Bash shell to develop APIs
– Recognize and describe many of the open source tools that are available to assist with API development
– Demonstrate how to use a custom REST application to update the database of a Security Management Server
– Demonstrate how to use Postman to manage the Security Policy database through the Check Point API
– Understand what steps to take to troubleshoot and debug API scripts
– Demonstrate basic troubleshooting techniques by reviewing debugging messages in various forms
– Understand how to use self-service portal capabilities to provide general IT services
– Recognize how automation tools work with Check Point APIs to automate security management tasks and orchestrate workflow behind service portals
– Demonstrate common tasks that are automated in a Web portal to manage the Security PolicyCheck Point CCSA Certification

– Introduction to automation and orchestration
– Check Point APIs
– API development
– API troubleshooting
– Self-service Web portals

– Demonstrate Check Point automation and orchestration
– Manage objects using the Check Point API
– Create a management API shell script
– Use a variety of methods to execute API commands
– Use a custom REST tool for API calls
– Use Postman for API calls
– Debug the Check Point management API
– Automate tasks using a Check Point API enabled Web portal

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19 500 kr

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