Check Point Certified Harmony Endpoint Specialist (CCES)

Check Point Certified Harmony Endpoint Specialist (CCES)


This course is designed for Security Administrators who are responsible for managing a Harmony Endpoint security solution.

Demonstrate an understanding of the Check Point Harmony Endpoint solution, including its features and capabilities. Apply knowledge and skills gained during training to manage and protect a Harmony Endpoint solution.

Working knowledge of Unix-based/Linux and/or Windows operating systems, networking (TCP/IP) and network security, and security administration.

• Describe Check Point Infinity’s Consolidated Security Architecture.

• Explain the difference between the Harmony Endpoint On-Premises and Cloud management environments.

• Identify the main components of the Harmony Endpoint Security Architecture.

• Identity the basic workflow for Harmony Endpoint Security Management.

• Give examples of useful resources for Harmony Endpoint Security Management.

• Log into the Web Management Console.

• Navigate the Web Management interface to gain a basic understanding of the features and capabilities Harmony Endpoint provides for Security Management.

• Discuss situations where it might be necessary to change default policy rules.

• Identify recommended releases for a Harmony Endpoint Client deployment.

• Recognize the different types of data security available to deploy.

• Describe how Full Disk Encryption protects and recovers data that is accessed and stored on Endpoint computers.

• Identify how to secure removable media devices and protect ports.

• Identify remote Help and recovery capabilities.

• Discuss the challenges of threat prevention.

• Give examples of advanced threats.

• Identify how Harmony Endpoint defends networks against advanced threats.

• Identify the components in standalone and distributed Harmony Endpoint deployments.

• Identify sizing guidelines for Harmony Endpoint deployments.

• Explain how to expand the environment for large-scale configurations.

• Explain the difference between Active Directory and High Availability servers.

• Identify useful resources for troubleshooting Harmony Endpoint.

• Give examples of potential problems or issues that might occur when using Harmony Endpoint.

• Investigate and troubleshoot basic Harmony Endpoint troubleshooting scenarios.




• Deploying an Endpoint Security Management Server

• Deploying Endpoint Security Clients to Local Hosts

• Deploying Endpoint Security Clients to Remote Hosts

• Changing the Full Disk Encryption Algorithm

• Analyzing and Maintaining Policies

• Configuring Directory Services

• Troubleshooting Endpoint Communication

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19 500 kr

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