This course is designed for administrators and Check Point resellers that offer Hyperscale Network Security as business and technical requirements change to accommodate massive network traffic growth. This course equips IT professionals as they work towards their Check Point Certified Maestro Expert (CCME) certification.
Working knowledge of UNIX and/or Windows OS, Working knowledge of Networking TCP/IP, CCSA training/ certification, Advanced knowledge of Check Point Security products
• Understand the concept and demand for Scalable Platforms
• Recognize the main characteristics of Scalable Platforms
• Describe how Maestro uses Hyperscale Technology
• Identify the essential components of the Maestro system
• Understand and explain how the Orchestrator’s downlinks, uplinks, management, and sync ports function
• Learn how to create, delete, and modify Security Groups
• Understand the basics of the Dual-Site environment
• Describe how the Gaia Command Line Interface (CLI) supports the configuration of MHO appliances
• Perform diagnostic troubleshooting using the CLI
• Describe the purpose of the Security Group Database
• Learn how to configure interfaces using CLISH
• Evaluate how traffic flows through a Maestro environment
• Demonstrate how to use traffic monitoring commands
• Understand the four distribution modes that Maestro uses to assign packets to a Security Gateway Module
• Describe the basic use of the asg diag command to collect system diagnostics
• Describe how Dual-Site Orchestrators are configured
• Recognize how to account for Dual-Site fail-overs
• Identify how Virtual System Extension (VSX) works
• Learn the advantages of using VSX in a Dual-Site Orchestrator environment
• Describe the different layers of the OSI model involved when debugging the SGM
• Creating Security Groups
• Working in a Dual Orchestrator Environment
• Configuring Security Groups
• Working with Multiple Security Groups
• Understanding Traffic Distribution Modes
• Managing Traffic Flow
• Running System Diagnostics
• Creating a Dual-Site Environment
• Deploying VSX in a Dual-Site Environment
21 500 kr
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