Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Workshop Training

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Workshop Training


Audience Profile

CISOs, managers and architects, security architects

Knowledge of cloud and security terminology in general.

Content of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Workshop Training

Module 1: Microsoft Cybersecurity Briefing

This module covers overviews on critical security hygiene, Microsoft cybersecurity reference architecture, cybersecurity resilience, Internet of Things (IoT), and operational tech.

Module 2: Security Management

Learn how to increase visibility and control over your hybrid enterprise estate with integrated guidance, automated policy enforcement, and monitoring.

Module 3: Identity and Zero Trust User Access

Learn how to advance zero trust with your identity and user access strategy to better protect corporate data inside and outside your network perimeter

Module 4a: Threat Protection Strategy, Part I

Explore key learnings about threat protection, security evolution, strategies, and security road maps.

Module 4b: Threat Protection Strategy, Part II

This module reviews the evolution and trajectory of the Security Operations Centers (SOC), powered by the trillions of signals in the Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph.

Module 5: Information Protection

Learn how to protect sensitive information wherever it goes with automatic classification, persistent encryption across devices, and continuous monitoring of data across mobile devices, cloud services, and other corporate assets.

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Fö­re­tags­an­pas­sad kurs

Kursen kan anpassas från flera perspektiv:
  • Innehåll och fokusområde
  • Omfattning
  • Upplägg

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