DB2 11 for z/OS Application Programming Workshop

DB2 11 for z/OS Application Programming Workshop


This intermediate course is for application programmers who need to write embedded SQL programs in COBOL or PL/I (on z/OS).

  • Incorporate static SQL statements in an application program
  • Prepare the program for execution
  • Validate execution results are correct
  • Produce code to support multiple rows being returned from the database manager using cursors
  • Identify considerations regarding units of work, concurrency, and restart of programs
  • Identify differences between static and dynamic SQL
  • Provide test data for applications
  • Discuss program and DB2 options relative to performance of static SQL

You should already have experience with one of the supported programming languages, COBOL or PL/I for z/OS. You are also expected to already be able to construct and use SQL statements.

  • DB2 Concepts
  • Program Structure I
  • Program Preparation
  • Program Structure II
  • Recovery and Locking Concepts
  • Dynamic SQL Introduction
  • Managing Test Data
  • Performance Considerations

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24 285 kr

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  • Innehåll och fokusområde
  • Omfattning
  • Upplägg

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