Designing Power BI Reports


Designing an analytical report involves understanding the requirements and its audience. However, designing a compelling analytical report requires understanding the automatic and unconscious processes that occur when report consumers comprehend what they see. When you have the knowledge of how to structure and apply report design principles, you can raise the level of your report designs to produce relevant, intuitive, and visually pleasing experiences for your report consumers. While good report design is a skill that can take years to master, there are a few very, very basic concepts that will make your reports far better…and these concepts are pretty easy to learn.

This course will walk through just those most basic concepts related to chart selection and page composition. This will by no means that this course will make you an expert, it will however get you over the first conceptual hurdles people tend to slam into after figuring out the basics of how to create a visual. These concepts aren’t really Power BI concepts and they tend to be the things a lot of tutorials out there don’t cover.


When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge in Power BI needed to communicate data stories through clear and compellin.

This training is targeted for Data professionals such as:

  • Power BI report authors
  • Excel analysts
  • Report authors with SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
  • Crystal Reports authors

Some basic understanding of how to create reports with Power BI Desktop.

This course has no certification.

Info kommer…

Topics: Designing Power BI Reports

  • Scope report design requirements
  • Structure analytical report designs in Power BI
  • Design Power BI reports
  • Configure Power BI report filters
  • Enhance Power BI report designs for the user experience
  • Enhance Power BI report designs for the user interface


25 900 kr

3 Dagar

Distans, Klassrum


Engelska, Svenska

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