DO280 Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Configuring a Production Cluster

DO280 Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Configuring a Production Cluster


Create, configure, manage, and troubleshoot OpenShift clusters

Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Operating a Production Cluster (DO280) teaches you how to install and administer the Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform. This hands-on, lab-based course shows you how to install, configure, and manage OpenShift clusters and deploy sample applications to further understand how developers will use the platform.

This course is based on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 8.0 and Openshift Container Platform 4.5.

OpenShift is a containerized application platform that allows enterprises to manage container deployments and scale their applications using Kubernetes. OpenShift provides predefined application environments and builds upon Kubernetes to provide support for DevOps principles such as reduced time to market, infrastructure-as-code, continuous integration (CI), and continuous delivery (CD).


Partner course
Please note that this is a partner course and it is therefore not covered by Informator’s start guarantee.

  • Describe the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster installation and update processes
  • Troubleshoot application deployments
  • Configure authentication using local users
  • Control access to projects using role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Configure service and container networking
  • Configure pod scheduling using labels and selectors
  • Limit compute resource usage
  • Scale a cluster
  • Monitor cluster events and alerts
  • Perform Cluster Updates
  • Manage a Cluster with the Web Console


Impact on the organization

This course is intended to develop the skills needed to install, configure, and manage the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform to deploy containerized applications that are highly available, resilient, and scalable. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform enables rapid application development and deployment, as well as portability of an application across environments. The platform also offers simplified application scaling, administration, and maintenance of adapted or cloud-native applications.

Red Hat has created this course in a way intended to benefit our customers, but each company and infrastructure is unique, and actual results or benefits may vary.

Impact on the individual

After completing this course, you should be able to demonstrate the skills to establish a new OpenShift cluster, perform initial configuration of the cluster, and manage the cluster on a day-to-day basis. One major focus of the course is troubleshooting common problems that will be encountered beyond day one.

This course is designed for system administrators, system architects, and developers who want to install and configure Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

  • System and Software Architects interested in understanding features and functionality of an OpenShift cluster.
  • System Administrators interested in the initial establishment of a cluster.
  • Cluster Operators interested in the ongoing maintenance of a cluster.
  • Site Reliability Engineers interested in the ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting of a cluster.

Te­ch­no­lo­gy con­si­de­ra­tions

  • Internet access is required.

Red Hat is the leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions Enterprises around the world trust our broad portfolio of hybrid cloud infrastructure, application services, cloud-native application development, and automation solutions to deliver IT services on any infrastructure quickly and cost effectively.

Access hands-on training to stay ahead of technology trends, and gain the knowledge you need to get certified. Whether you’re just starting out and need Linux training or are a seasoned professional seeking automation certification, we can help.

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Descri­be the Red Hat OpenS­hift Con­tai­ner Plat­form

Learn the components of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and how they interact.

Ve­ri­fy a Clus­ter Ve­ri­fy a clus­ter is in­stal­led and he­alt­hy.

Con­fi­gu­re Authen­ti­ca­tion Con­fi­gu­re authen­ti­ca­tion with an iden­ti­ty pro­vi­der.

Con­trol Ac­cess to OpenS­hift Re­sour­ces De­fi­ne and ap­p­ly role-ba­sed ac­cess con­trols and pro­tect sen­si­ti­ve in­for­ma­tion with secrets.

Con­fi­gu­re OpenS­hift Networ­king Com­po­nents Iden­ti­fy the com­po­nents of OpenS­hift soft­wa­re-de­fi­ned networ­king and con­fi­gu­re some of the com­po­nents.

Con­trol Pod Sche­du­ling Con­trol which no­des a pod runs on.

Sca­le an OpenS­hift Clus­ter Con­trol the size of an OpenS­hift clus­ter.

Per­form Clus­ter Up­da­tes Descri­be how to per­form a clus­ter up­da­te.

Ma­nage the Clus­ter with the Web Con­so­le Ma­nage the OpenS­hift clus­ter using the web con­so­le.

Com­pre­hen­si­ve Re­vi­ew Ve­ri­fy, ma­nage, and trou­bles­hoot an OpenS­hift clus­ter for en­ter­pri­se use. Note: Cour­se out­li­ne is sub­ject to change with te­ch­no­lo­gy ad­van­ces and as the na­tu­re of the un­der­ly­ing job evol­ves. For ques­tions or con­fir­ma­tion on a spe­ci­fic ob­jecti­ve or to­pic, con­tact one of our training specialists.


3 740 

5 Dagar




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