Introduction to configuring and managing Red Hat Single Sign-On for authenticating and authorizing applications
Red Hat Single Sign-On Administration (DO313) is designed for system administrators who want to install, configure and manage Red Hat Single Sign-On servers for securing applications. Learn about the different ways to authenticate and authorize applications using single sign-on standards like OAuth and OpenID Connect (OIDC). You will also learn how to install and configure Red Hat SIngle Sign-On on the OpenShift Container Platform. This course is based on Red Hat Single Sign-On version 7.6.
Course content summary
As a result of attending this course, students will understand how to use Red Hat Single Sign-On to configure, manage, and troubleshoot authentication and authorization security policies for business-critical applications.
Students will learn how to install, configure and manage an instance of Red Hat Single Sign-On on bare metal, virtual machines and OpenShift, and configure authentication and authorization security policies for applications.
Technology considerations
Technology considerations
Introduce Red Hat Single Sign-On
Identify the main components of Red Hat Single Sign-On
Install and Configure Red Hat Single Sign-On
Identify the best option for installing and configuring RHSSO depending on the infrastructure
Authentication and Authorization
Configure authentication and authorization for applications
Identity Brokering and User Federation
Configure RHSSO to secure applications from multiple identity providers by using user federation and social logins
Red Hat Single Sign-On on OpenShift
Install and configure Red Hat Single Sign-On on OpenShift
1 530 €
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