DO322 Red Hat OpenShift Installation Lab

DO322 Red Hat OpenShift Installation Lab


Installing OpenShift on a cloud, virtual, or physical infrastructure.

Red Hat OpenShift Installation Lab (DO322) teaches essential skills for installing an OpenShift cluster in a range of environments, from proof of concept to production, and how to identify customizations that may be required because of the underlying cloud, virtual, or physical infrastructure.

This course is based on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.6.

Partner course
Please note that this is a partner course and it is therefore not covered by Informator’s start guarantee.


  • Validate infrastructure prerequisites for an OpenShift cluster.
  • Run the OpenShift installer with custom settings.
  • Describe and monitor each stage of the OpenShift installation process.
  • Collect troubleshooting information during an ongoing installation, or after a failed installation.
  • Complete the configuration of cluster services in a newly installed cluster.
  • Cluster administrators (Junior systems administrators, junior cloud administrators) interested in deploying additional clusters to meet increasing demands from their organizations.
  • Cluster engineers (Senior systems administrators, senior cloud administrators, cloud engineers) interested in the planning and design of OpenShift clusters to meet performance and reliability of different workloads and in creating work books for these installations.
  • Site reliability engineers (SREs) interested in deploying test bed clusters to validate new settings, updates, customizations, operational procedures, and responses to incidents.
  • Achieving the Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Administration certification on OpenShift 4 is strongly recommended, or at least taking Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Operating a Production Kubernetes Cluster (DO280) before taking this course.
    • “Equivalent knowledge of Kubernetes” is not applicable here because performing anything other than a very minimal, all-defaults Full Stack Automated installation of OpenShift on a cloud provider requires knowledge of OpenShift cluster operators.
  • Achieving the Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) certification or equivalent knowledge of Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administration before taking DO322 is also strongly recommended.

Te­ch­no­lo­gy con­si­de­ra­tions

  • No local instructor led training (ILT) classroom is provided for DO322. All modalities require access to cloud-based classrooms.
  • This course uses cloud labs provisioned in the Red Hat Training Cloud.
  • Internet access is required in order for the installer tool to function as designed.

Red Hat is the leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions Enterprises around the world trust our broad portfolio of hybrid cloud infrastructure, application services, cloud-native application development, and automation solutions to deliver IT services on any infrastructure quickly and cost effectively.

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Descri­be the OpenS­hift In­stal­la­tion Pro­cess

  • Describe and compare the Full Stack Automation and Pre-existing Infrastructure installation methods.

In­stall OpenS­hift in a Cloud Pro­vi­der

  • Provision OpenShift clusters on Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud providers, with common customizations, using the Full-Stack Automation installation method.

In­stall OpenS­hift on a Vir­tu­a­li­zed En­vi­ron­ment

  • Provision OpenShift clusters on hypervisors, with common customizations, using the Full-Stack Automation and the Pre-existing Infrastructure installation methods.

Plan to In­stall OpenS­hift wit­hout an In­frastructu­re Pro­vi­der

  • Configure the prerequisites for provisioning OpenShift clusters without integration with the underlying infrastructure

In­stall OpenS­hift wit­hout an In­frastructu­re Pro­vi­der

  • Provision OpenShift clusters without integration with the underlying infrastructure.

Com­ple­te the In­stal­la­tion of OpenS­hift wit­hout an In­frastructu­re Pro­vi­der

  • CPerform essential tasks that are required before onboarding users and applications on a newly provisioned OpenShift cluster.


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3 Dagar




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