DO374 Developing Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

DO374 Developing Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform


Advance your Ansible skills and develop automation that scales by applying recommended practices with the new, container focused tools from Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

Developing Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (DO374) is designed for automation content developers to leverage the new, container focused tools from Red Hat® Ansible Automation Platform to efficiently develop automation that can be managed by the automation controller. Learn recommended practices for automation development using reusable code, advanced playbook techniques, shared execution environments, and preparing for scalable automation with the automation content navigator.

This course is based on Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.0.


Partner course
Please note that this is a partner course and it is therefore not covered by Informator’s start guarantee.

  • Apply recommended practices for effective and efficient automation with Ansible.
  • Perform automation operations as rolling updates.
  • Use advanced features of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform to work with data, including filters and plugins.
  • Create automation execution environments to contain and scale Red Hat Ansible Automation.
  • Leverage capabilities of the automation content navigator to develop Ansible Playbooks.

This course is designed for users who create automation content, including these roles:

  • Developers
  • DevOps engineers
  • Linux system administrators
  • Other IT professionals with basic expertise using Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform to automate, provision, configure, and deploy applications and services in a Linux environment

Te­ch­no­lo­gy con­si­de­ra­tions

  • No BYOD/BYDW or internet required. (Implementation of SSH access for VT/ROLE will require internet for that purpose.)

Red Hat is the leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions Enterprises around the world trust our broad portfolio of hybrid cloud infrastructure, application services, cloud-native application development, and automation solutions to deliver IT services on any infrastructure quickly and cost effectively.

Access hands-on training to stay ahead of technology trends, and gain the knowledge you need to get certified. Whether you’re just starting out and need Linux training or are a seasoned professional seeking automation certification, we can help.

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De­ve­lop Play­books with An­sib­le Au­to­ma­tion Plat­form 2 De­ve­lop An­sib­le Play­books following re­com­men­ded practi­ces with Red Hat An­sib­le Au­to­ma­tion Plat­form 2.

Ma­nage Con­tent Col­lec­tions and Execu­tion En­vi­ron­ments Run play­books that use con­tent col­lec­tions not in­clu­ded in an­sib­le-core, eit­her from an ex­is­ting execu­tion en­vi­ron­ment or by down­lo­a­ding them from the au­to­ma­tion hub.

Run Play­books with Au­to­ma­tion Con­trol­ler Use the au­to­ma­tion con­trol­ler to run play­books that you de­ve­lo­ped with au­to­ma­tion con­tent na­vi­ga­tor.

Work with An­sib­le Con­fi­gu­ra­tion Set­tings Ex­a­mi­ne and ad­just the con­fi­gu­ra­tion of au­to­ma­tion con­tent na­vi­ga­tor and the An­sib­le run­ner in­si­de execu­tion en­vi­ron­ments to simp­li­fy de­ve­lop­ment and trou­bles­hoot is­sues.

Ma­nage In­ven­to­ri­es Ma­nage in­ven­to­ri­es by using ad­van­ced fe­a­tu­res of An­sib­le.

Ma­nage Task Execu­tion Con­trol and op­ti­mi­ze the execu­tion of tasks by An­sib­le Play­books.

Trans­form Data with Fil­ters and Plu­gins Po­pu­la­te, ma­ni­pu­la­te, and ma­nage data in va­ri­a­bles using fil­ters and plu­gins.

Co­or­di­na­te Rolling Up­da­tes Use ad­van­ced fe­a­tu­res of An­sib­le to ma­nage rolling up­da­tes in or­der to mi­ni­mi­ze down­ti­me and to en­su­re main­tai­na­bi­li­ty and sim­pli­ci­ty of An­sib­le Play­books.

Cre­a­te Con­tent Col­lec­tions and Execu­tion En­vi­ron­ments Wri­te your own An­sib­le Con­tent Col­lec­tions, publish them, em­bed them in a custom execu­tion en­vi­ron­ment, and run them in play­books by using the au­to­ma­tion con­trol­ler.


3 740 

5 Dagar




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