DO467 Managing Enterprise Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

DO467 Managing Enterprise Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform


Manage complex Red Hat Ansible automation workflows at scale and prevent single points of failure.

Managing Enterprise Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (DO467) is for experienced Ansible automation engineers, DevOps practitioners, and Linux system administrators seeking to deploy, control, and support centralized automation execution on a large scale. Students will use Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2 to scale up Ansible automation. They will deploy automation controller to centrally manage automation workflows, automation mesh to scale up and distribute execution capacity, and private automation hub to manage Ansible Content Collections and automation execution environments for use by automation developers. Large scale automation cluster design and approaches to ensure high availability of Ansible Automation Platform will also be discussed.

This course is based on Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.2.

Partner course
Please note that this is a partner course and it is therefore not covered by Informator’s start guarantee.

  • Discussion of the architecture of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.
  • Installation and configuration of automation controllers and private automation hubs to centrally coordinate and scale Red Hat Ansible Automation.
  • Integration of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform with centralized Git repository services such as GitLab.
  • Management of users, teams, and access permissions in Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform services.
  • Creation and management of workflows that execute automation based on the success or failure of previous jobs.
  • Configuration and management of automation mesh to distribute execution between automation controller and remote execution nodes.
  • Troubleshooting and maintenance of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform services.
  • Discussion of recommended practices to ensure high availability and scalability of a large automation cluster.

This course is designed for users who need to provide, manage, and maintain Ansible automation infrastructure for their organizations, including these roles:

  • Ansible automation engineers and architects
  • Linux system administrators supporting automation operations
  • DevOps engineers

Te­ch­no­lo­gy con­si­de­ra­tions

  • Internet access recommended but not required.

Red Hat is the leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions Enterprises around the world trust our broad portfolio of hybrid cloud infrastructure, application services, cloud-native application development, and automation solutions to deliver IT services on any infrastructure quickly and cost effectively.

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In­stall Red Hat An­sib­le Au­to­ma­tion Plat­form

Explain what Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform is and perform a basic installation of automation controller and automation hub.

Ma­nage user ac­cess

Create user accounts and organize them into teams/groups in automation controller and automation hub, and assign them permissions to administer and access resources in each service.

Ma­nage in­ven­to­ri­es and machi­ne cre­den­ti­als

Create inventories of machines to manage, and configure credentials necessary for automation controller’s execution nodes to log in and run Ansible jobs on those systems.

Ma­nage pro­jects and launch An­sib­le jobs

Create projects and job templates in the web UI, using them to launch Ansible Playbooks that are stored in Git repositories, in order to automate tasks on managed hosts.

Con­fi­gu­re ad­van­ced job con­fi­gu­ra­tion

Configure advanced features of automation controller in order to more effectively and efficiently implement jobs.

Con­struct job work­flows

Use advanced features of job templates to improve performance, simplify the customization of jobs, launch multiple jobs, schedule automatically recurring jobs, and provide notification of job results.

Ma­nage ad­van­ced in­ven­to­ri­es

Manage inventories that are generated dynamically from scripts or the automation controller smart inventory feature.

Au­to­ma­te con­fi­gu­ra­tion of An­sib­le Au­to­ma­tion Plat­form

Automate the configuration and deployment of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform services by using Ansible Content Collections, the automation controller API, and Git webhooks.

Main­tain Red Hat An­sib­le Au­to­ma­tion Plat­form

Perform routine maintenance and administration of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.

Get in­sights into au­to­ma­tion per­for­man­ce

Get information from Red Hat Insights for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform to evaluate the performance of your Ansible automation and identify possible ways to improve it.

Build a lar­ge sca­le Red Hat An­sib­le Au­to­ma­tion Plat­form deployment

Use high availability techniques and automation mesh to scale up your Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform deployment.

Com­pre­hen­si­ve re­vi­ew

Demonstrate skills learned in this course by configuring private automation hub and by configuring and operating a new organization in automation controller using a provided specification, Ansible projects, and hosts to be provisioned and managed.


3 740 

5 Dagar




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