Effective Leadership and Soft Skills for Engineers

Effective Leadership and Soft Skills for Engineers


Target Audience

Engineers and delivery teams willing to become better at leadership, improve team and organization performance.

Contents of Effective Leadership and Soft Skills for Engineers

This training will cover a wide range of topics necessary to become an effective team leader, software architect or engineering manager:

  • Understand the importance of leadership and soft skills (qualities of a leader, leadership models, adaptive leadership, how to boost confidence and gain trust, PageRank concept)
  • How to make winning proposals, spark and drive technical change
  • How to influence people, find consensus, overcome resistance and skepticism (understanding human behavior, the four levels of influence)
  • How to deal with stress and decide in situations of high uncertainty (emotional intelligence 2.0, the basics of NLP and mindfulness)
  • How to make customers happy (speaking customers’ language, understanding customers’ needs, growing a problem-solving mindset, expectation management, making promises and delivering on time)
  • How to communicate effectively (how to choose communication channel, WAIT rule, face-to-face communication, body language, principles of NVC, effective follow-ups)
  • How to build high-performance teams (understanding personalities, effective work organization, understanding Little’s Law, fixing bottlenecks, delegation, customer-centric thinking, fighting “not my responsibility” issue, motivation techniques)
  • How to make your workplace healthy, more fun and dynamic (appreciation techniques, HTC principle, providing and asking for feedback, conflict resolution, measuring team health)
  • How to organize effective learning and innovation culture in a team (T-shape growth, technology radar, pair-learning, squads, brown bag sessions, blameless post-mortems)
  • How to avoid becoming a bottleneck (the bus factor, pair-leadership, effective coaching and delegation)
  • How to build remarkable reputation and career
  • … and much more!

During the training, together with other participants you will create a clear value proposition for your idea, understand visible and hidden goals of your teammates, run a retrospective, ensure that tasks are completed on time, challenge opaque requirements with “5 Whys” and much more!

The course is highly recommended for teams that work together.

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  • Innehåll och fokusområde
  • Omfattning
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