i2 Analyst’s Notebook Core Skills v9.2x

i2 Analyst’s Notebook Core Skills v9.2x


The course is aimed at anyone wishing to use the advanced functions of ; i2 Analyst’s Notebook. This can include staff from law enforcement, counter terrorism, financial, insurance, private and public sectors.

After completing the course students will be able to:

  • Understand the basic terminology, rules and behaviours within ANB
  • Create association and temporal charts using the correct entities, links and attributes
  • Apply link analysis to identify how entities are connected
  • Change the representation of existing charts to assist research and analysis
  • Create a template to customise ANB to suit an organisational need
  • Use the basic search and find functions
  • Define how dates and times are used to create and interrogate charts
  • Complete a basic import using data to produce association and temporal charts
  • Analyse charts to identify patterns using the analytical chart layouts
  • Combine charts to identify new links and potential duplicates
  • Utilise the publishing tools to show header, footer and legend
  • Apply the correct page setup for printing purposes

Students must have a satisfactory knowledge of Microsoft Windows and Office applications.Students must have a satisfactory knowledge of Microsoft Windows and Office applications.Students must have a satisfactory knowledge of Microsoft Windows and Office applications.

1.1 -Welcome and Introductions

1.2 -Introduction to ANB:Menus and navigation

2.1 -Creating Charts Association Style

2.2 -Change RepresentationSequence of Events (SOE)

3 -Searching

4 -Customising ANB

5 -Combining Charts

6 -Using Layouts to Analyse

7 -Basic Importing

8 -Time Zones

9 -Presentation Charts

10 -Dissemination Charts

11 -Final Exercise

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24 285 kr

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Fö­re­tags­an­pas­sad kurs

Kursen kan anpassas från flera perspektiv:
  • Innehåll och fokusområde
  • Omfattning
  • Upplägg

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