i2 Analyst’s Notebook v9x Upgrade Course

i2 Analyst’s Notebook v9x Upgrade Course


The course will provide students with the knowledge to utilise the new version of the software. ; They must be existing users of the software or have attended the Core Skills or Advanced Analysis and Importing Course or have similar knowledge of the software. ; This can include staff from law enforcement, counter terrorism, financial, insurance, private and public sectors.

After completing the course students will be able to:

  • Navigate around the menus and chart area using the new chart interface
  • Utilise the single click options
  • Customise the screen options using the docking options
  • Use the new grouped functions to help analyse the chart
  • Utilise the activity view features
  • Use the new layout functions

Students must have a satisfactory knowledge of Microsoft Windows and Office applications and have a full working knowledge of previous ; i2 ANB versions.

Ingen övrig information för tillfället


8 095 kr

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Hittar du inget (passande) datum? Skicka in en intresseanmälan så gör vi vad vi kan för att planera ett tillfälle som passar. 

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Allmänna Villkor.

Fö­re­tags­an­pas­sad kurs

Kursen kan anpassas från flera perspektiv:
  • Innehåll och fokusområde
  • Omfattning
  • Upplägg

I samspel med kursledaren ser vi till att kursen uppfyller era önskemåll

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