IBM QRadar SIEM Advanced Topics

IBM QRadar SIEM Advanced Topics


This course is designed for security administrators and security analysts.

  • Learn how to create custom log sources
  • Discover how to work with reference data collections and custom rules
  • Use X-Force data and Threat Intelligence app
  • Use the Use Case Manager app
  • Learn how to use UBA and QRadar Advisor
  • Discover Tuning
  • Explore Custom action scripts
  • Discuss Integration with IBM SOAR

Students should be knowledgeable about the following topics:

  • IT infrastructure
  • IT security fundamentals
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • TCP/IP networking
  • Syslog
  • Foundational skills for the IBM QRadar Security Intelligence Platform (at least the skills that are taught in the IBM QRadar SIEM Foundations – BQ104 course)


Unit 1: Custom log sources

Unit 2: Reference data collections and custom rules

Unit 3: IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence in QRadar

Unit 4: User Behavior Analytics and Advisor with Watson

Unit 5: Tuning

Unit 6: Custom action scripts

Unit 7: IBM SOAR integration

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16 190 kr

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