IBM Spectrum Protect version 8.1.12 Implementation and Administration

IBM Spectrum Protect version 8.1.12 Implementation and Administration


Implementers and administrators who are new to IBM Spectrum Protect data management

  • Describe the purpose of IBM SpectrumProtect
  • Install and configure the IBM Spectrum Protect components
  • Use the administrative and client interfaces
  • Discuss storage methodology options and create storage pool
  • Customize data movement and retention policies to meet business requirements
  • Configure the IBM Spectrum Protect database and storage pools for protection
  • Optimize client configuration
  • Perform backup, restore, archive and retrieve operations
  • Organize daily tasks required to protect the IBM Spectrum Protect environment
  • Automate and monitor client and administrative tasks and events

Ability to navigate Windows 2016

A basic understanding of concepts regarding client/server relationships

Unit 1: ; ;Concepts and components

Unit 2: ; ;Installation and configuration

Unit 3: ; ;Interfaces and monitoring

Unit 4: ; ;Storage pools and devices

Unit 5: ; ;Policy management, data movement, and expiration

Unit 6: ; ;Server database and storage pool management

Unit 7: ; ;Client configuration and management

Unit 8: ; ;Client data protection

Unit 9: ; ;Daily operations and maintenance

Unit 10: Schedules and reports

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40 475 kr

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