IMS Database Performance and Tuning

IMS Database Performance and Tuning


This intermediate course is for ndividuals interested in the performance of the IMS Database System.

  • Analyze performance data about the IMS database environment
  • Choose IMS access methods that provide the best database performance
  • Improve performance by selecting database buffer pools and buffer pool options and with the correct data set access method and storage attributes
  • Implement the optimum performance options for VSAM data sets at define and execute time
  • Evaluate the need for secondary indexes and select implementation options to improve their performance
  • Choose physical database implementation options to improve performance
  • Select HDAM randomizing parameters that can improve the key randomization process

You should complete:

  • IMS Physical Organization of Databases Workshop (U3722)

or have four to six months experience with the IMS database system.

For additional prerequisites visit our Web site and search on U3720.

  • Describe the physical storage and processing characteristics of Hierarchial Indexed Sequential Access Method (HISAM), Hierarchial Indexed Direct Access Method (HIDAM), and Hierarchial Direct Access Method (HDAM) access methods.
  • Code the Data Base Definitions (DBD) and Program Specification Blocks (PSB) macros to implement secondary indexing, HISAM, HIDAM, and HDAM physical databases.
  • Describe the physical storage characteristics of secondary indexes.
  • Describe the PSB and programming requirements and processing characteristics when using a secondary index.
  • Use the IMS utilities to load and reorganize logically related databases with secondary indexes.
  • Use Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM)s access method services to delete and define the Key-Sequenced Data Set (KSDS) and Entry-Sequenced Data Set (ESDS) data sets needed to support the database environment.
  • Use reports created by the database tool’s program, DBD/PSB/ACB MapperSpecify buffers for VSAM data set supported databases
  • Introduction to IMS database tuning
  • Introduction to the lab project
  • Review of the IMS access methods
  • Measuring IMS database performance
  • Lab 1: The base case
  • Lab 2: Using IMS Reports
  • Tuning VSAM buffers
  • Lab 3: Tuning VSAM buffers
  • Tuning VSAM data sets
  • Lab 4: Tuning VSAM data sets
  • Additional performance issues
  • Tuning secondary indexes
  • Lab 5: Tuning secondary indexes
  • Tuning HDAM
  • Lab 6: Tuning HDAM
  • Tuning OSAM data sets and buffers
  • Lab 7: OSAM data sets and buffers
  • Other tuning considerations
  • Database tuning summary

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40 475 kr

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