IMS Logical Relationships


People responsible for designing, implementing, maintaining, or tuning IMS databases using logical relationships.

You should have at least four months of experience using IMS and should be able to:

  • • Use TSO/ISPF or PDF
  • • Demonstrate basic knowledge of:
    • OS/VS Job Control Language
    • VSAM access methods service utilities
    • DL/I application programming techniques
  • Describe the characteristics and storage format of HISAM, HIDAM and HDAM databases and code their DBDs
  • Understand the IMS DB Monitor and use its reports to resolve database performance concerns

These skills can be developed by attending:

  • IMS Physical Organization of Databases Workshop (CM22)
  • IMS Database Performance and Tuning Workshop (CM30)
  • Introduction to Logical Relationships
  • Unidirectional Logical Relationships
  • Unidirectional Logical Data Structures
  • Bidirectional Logical Relationships
  • Bidirectional Logical Data Structures
  • Database Load and Reorganization
  • Recursive Structures
  • ISRT Rules and Exercise
  • Logical Relationship Performance
  • Logical Relationship Tuning
  • Design and Change Considerations

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32 380 kr

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