
This is an intermediate course for security and IMS support individuals who design, implement, or administer security for IMS systems.

  • Identify the IMS resources that must be protected
  • Identify the types of security facilities available for each resource
  • Develop a plan to implement security on your IMS systems
  • Identify the tasks required in IMS and RACF to implement security
  • Implement security for each resource using an appropriate security facility
  • Code the security definitions in IMS and RACF to protect transactions, commands, data, dependent regions, Program Specification Blocks (PSB), terminals and other resources

You should be familiar with RACF or IMS.

  • Introduction to IMS Security
  • IMS Security Facilities
  • IMS Security Options
  • Introduction to RACF
  • User ID and Sign On Verification
  • Securing the IMS Control Region
  • IMS Transaction Security
  • IMS Command Security
  • Security for Time Controlled Operations
  • IMS Resource Access Security (RAS)
  • IMS Database Security
  • IMS Data Set Security
  • Common Service Layer Security
  • Security in an IMS Database Control Environment
  • IMS and DB2 Security

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32 380 kr

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Fö­re­tags­an­pas­sad kurs

Kursen kan anpassas från flera perspektiv:
  • Innehåll och fokusområde
  • Omfattning
  • Upplägg

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