ONTAP NFS Administration


NetApp Customers, Partners and Employees

• Explain the NFS protocol
• List the interfaces that you use to manage ONTAP software
• Configure NFS in ONTAP 9
• Manage NFSv3 and NFSv4
• Configure ONTAP software for multiprotocol data access
• Monitor and manage NFS ;

It is important to have familiarity with the UNIX and Linux Operating Systems in addition to taking the ;following 3 day instructor led class..


OT-CLU-A – ONTAP Cluster Administration


It is important to undertake the Cluster Fundamentals and NAS Fundamentals which are provided free of charge via the NetApp Learning Centre. ; Please contact us if further support is required..

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Module 1: NFS fundamentals

• NFS overview
• NFS concepts in ONTAP software
• Interfaces for managing ONTAP based systems


Module 2: NFS setup

• NFS implementation
• Configure NFS access
• Create storage for NFS-enabled storage VM
• Export policy and rules
• Setting up for NFS access
• Addendum: NFS over RDMA


Module 3: Managing NFSv3 and NFSv4

• Managing NFSv3
• Managing NFSv4


Module 4: Multiprotocol configuration

• Multiprotocol configuration
• Name mapping


Module 5: Monitoring and managing NFS

• Monitor NFS active clients
• Collecting NFS statistics and data

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