RH199 RHCSA Rapid Track Course

RH199 RHCSA Rapid Track Course


This course combines Red Hat System Administration I and II at a rapid pace. The RHCSA Rapid Track course (RH199) relates to Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®7 and is designed for students who already have significant experience with Linux administration.


Partner course
Please note that this is a partner course and it is therefore not covered by Informator’s start guarantee.

The course reviews the tasks covered in Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) and II (RH134) at an accelerated pace.

– Managing users and groups, files, and file permissions
– Updating software packages with yum
– Managing and troubleshooting systemd services during the boot process
– Network configuration and basic troubleshooting
– Managing local storage and creating and using file systems
– Firewall management with firewalld
– Managing kernel-based virtual machines (KVMs)
– Automating installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux using Kickstart

Students for this class should have 1-3 years of full time Linux administration experience

On completion of course materials, students should be prepared to take the Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) exam.

Note: This course builds on a student’s existing understanding of command-line based Linux system administration. Students should be able to execute common commands using the shell, work with common command options, and access man pages for help. Students lacking this knowledge are strongly encouraged to take Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) and II (RH134) instead.

Students attending this course should have basic experience with the following, with minimal dependence on documentation:

  • Linux (some of the course may be review)
  • The bash shell, including job control (&, fg, bg, jobs), shell expansion (command, tilde, globbing, brace, protection from expansion), I/O redirection, and pipes
  • IPv4 networking addressing and routing concepts, TCP/UDP, and ports
  • Navigation of the GNOME 3 interface
  • Editing text files from the command line with vim or other available programs
  • Finding information in man pages and info nodes
  • The concept of file permissions
  • Interactive installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Per-user ’at’ and ’cron’ jobs
  • Use of archival utilities such as ’tar’, ’zip’, and compression utilities
  • Absolute and relative paths
  • Finding files with ’find’ and ’locate’

Red Hat is the leading provider of enterprise open source software solutions Enterprises around the world trust our broad portfolio of hybrid cloud infrastructure, application services, cloud-native application development, and automation solutions to deliver IT services on any infrastructure quickly and cost effectively.

Access hands-on training to stay ahead of technology trends, and gain the knowledge you need to get certified. Whether you’re just starting out and need Linux training or are a seasoned professional seeking automation certification, we can help.

Test your expertise, determine your skills gaps, and get recommendations for where to start with Red Hat training


Ac­ces­sing the com­mand line

  • Log in to a Linux system and run simple commands using the shell.

Ma­na­ging fi­les from the com­mand line

  • Work with files from the bash shell prompt.

Ma­na­ging local Li­nux users and groups

  • Manage Linux users and groups and administer local password policies.

Con­trolling ac­cess to fi­les with Li­nux file sy­stem per­mis­sions

  • Set access permissions on files and interpret the security effects of different permission settings.

Ma­na­ging SE­Li­nux secu­ri­ty

  • Use SELinux to manage access to files and interpret and troubleshoot SELinux security effects.

Mo­ni­to­ring and ma­na­ging Li­nux pro­ces­ses

  • Monitor and control processes running on the system.

In­stal­ling and up­da­ting soft­wa­re pac­ka­ges

  • Download, install, update, and manage software packages from Red Hat and yum package repositories.

Con­trolling ser­vices and dae­mons

  • Control and monitor network services and system daemons using systemd.

Ma­na­ging Red Hat En­ter­pri­se Li­nux networ­king

  • Configure basic IPv4 networking on Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems.

Ana­ly­zing and sto­ring logs

  • Locate and interpret relevant system log files for troubleshooting purposes.

Ma­na­ging sto­rage and file systems

  • Create and use disk partitions, logical volumes, file systems, and swap spaces.

Sche­du­ling sy­stem tasks

  • Schedule recurring system tasks using cron and systemd timer units.

Mounting network file systems

  • Mount network file system (NFS) exports and server message block (SMB) shares from network file servers.

Li­mi­ting network com­mu­ni­ca­tion with fi­re­wall

  • Configure a basic local firewall.

Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion and kick­start

  • Manage KVMs and install them with Red Hat Enterprise Linux using Kickstart.


4 400 

5 Dagar




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