RH318 Red Hat Virtualization

RH318 Red Hat Virtualization


Deploy, configure, manage, and migrate virtual environments

Red Hat Virtualization (RH318) teaches you the skills needed to deploy, administer, and operate virtual machines in your organization using Red Hat® Virtualization. Through numerous hands-on exercises, you will demonstrate the ability to deploy and configure the Red Hat Virtualization infrastructure and use it to provision and manage virtual machines. This offering also prepares you for the Red Hat Certified Specialist in Virtualization exam.

This course is based on Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 4.3 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux® 7.6 and 8, as well as Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization 1.6.

  • Configure Red Hat Virtualization
  • Configure networking and storage for use with Red Hat Virtualization
  • Manage user accounts and access to the Red Hat Virtualization environment
  • Install and manage virtual machines in Red Hat Virtualization
  • Use templates for rapid virtual machine deployment
  • Manage virtual machine snapshots and images
  • Migrate virtual machines and explore high-availability options


As a result of attending this course, you should be able to create and deploy Red Hat Virtualization and virtual servers. Using a single, full-service management interface, Red Hat Virtualization Manager, you will be able to configure, manage, and migrate systems within the virtualization environment.

Linux system administrators, virtualization administrators, and hybrid infrastructure engineers interested in deploying large-scale virtualization solutions and managing virtual servers in their datacenters, based on the Red Hat Virtualization open virtualization management platform.

Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion over­vi­ew Ex­plain the pur­po­se and ar­chi­tectu­re of Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion.

In­stall and con­fi­gu­re Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion In­stall a mi­ni­mal Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion en­vi­ron­ment and use it to cre­a­te a vir­tu­al machi­ne.

Cre­a­te and ma­nage da­ta­cen­ters and clus­ters Or­ga­ni­ze hy­per­vi­sors into groups using da­ta­cen­ters and clus­ters.

Manage user accounts and roles

Configure user accounts using a central directory service, then use roles to assign access to resources based on job responsibilities.

Ad­ding phy­si­cal hosts Add ad­di­tio­nal Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion hosts au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly, and move and re­mo­ve hosts from da­ta­cen­ters as nee­ded.

Sca­le Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion in­frastructu­re Add Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion hosts au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly, con­fi­gu­re Red Hat En­ter­pri­se Li­nux hosts when ap­pro­pri­a­te, and move and re­mo­ve hosts from data cen­ters as nee­ded.

Ma­nage Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion networks Se­pa­ra­te network traf­fic into mul­tip­le networks on one or more in­ter­fa­ces to im­pro­ve the per­for­man­ce and secu­ri­ty of Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion.

Ma­nage Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion sto­rage Cre­a­te and ma­nage data and ISO sto­rage do­mains.

Deploy and ma­nage vir­tu­al machi­nes Ope­ra­te vir­tu­al machi­nes in the Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion en­vi­ron­ment.

Mi­gra­te vir­tu­al machi­nes Mi­gra­te and con­trol au­to­ma­tic mi­gra­tion of vir­tu­al machi­nes.

Ma­nage vir­tu­al machi­ne ima­ges Ma­nage vir­tu­al machi­ne snap­shots and disk ima­ges.

Au­to­ma­ting vir­tu­al machi­ne deployment Au­to­ma­te deployment of vir­tu­al machi­nes by using temp­la­tes and cloud-init.

Back up and up­g­ra­de Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion Back up, resto­re, and up­g­ra­de the soft­wa­re in a Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion en­vi­ron­ment.

Ex­plo­re high-avai­la­bi­li­ty practi­ces Ex­plain pro­ce­du­res to im­pro­ve the re­si­li­ence and re­li­a­bi­li­ty of Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion by re­mo­ving sing­le points of fai­lu­re and im­ple­men­ting high-avai­la­bi­li­ty fe­a­tu­res.

Per­form com­pre­hen­si­ve re­vi­ew De­mon­stra­te skills le­ar­ned in this cour­se by in­stal­ling and con­fi­gu­ring Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion; using the plat­form to cre­a­te and ma­nage vir­tu­al machi­nes; and bac­king up and up­da­ting com­po­nents of Red Hat Vir­tu­a­li­za­tion. Note: Cour­se out­li­ne is sub­ject to change with te­ch­no­lo­gy ad­van­ces and as the na­tu­re of the un­der­ly­ing job evol­ves. For ques­tions or con­fir­ma­tion on a spe­ci­fic ob­jecti­ve or to­pic, ple­a­se contact a training specialist online.


3 600 

5 Dagar




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