Discover open practices for incremental process changes to assist in your DevOps transformation journey.
Open Practices for your DevOps Journey (DO250) prepares a student to facilitate and participate in discovery, planning, and delivery of projects where DevOps transformation is desired. At the end of this course, you will establish a toolbox of select practices and rethink your approach to cross-functional team projects. Utilizing new skills will enable your organization to effectively discover team purpose, align on project options, and deliver value that achieves target outcomes.
Partner course
Please note that this is a partner course and it is therefore not covered by Informator’s start guarantee.
After successfully completing this course, you will be able to implement incremental change during your team’s discovery and planning phases to enable faster delivery utilizing DevOps principles.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
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Technology considerations
Getting started with DevOps culture and practices
1.1 Introducing the Open Practice Library
1.2 Introducing the Open Practice Library (Quiz)
1.3 Visualizing work
1.4 Visualizing work (Quiz)
1.5 Facilitating practices with teams
1.6 Facilitating practices with teams (Quiz)
Fostering culture and collaboration
2.1 Team forming and ice breakers
2.2 Team forming and ice breakers (Quiz)
2.3 Social contracts
2.4 Social contracts (Quiz)
2.5 Conducting retrospectives
2.6 Conducting retrospectives (Quiz)
Establishing fundamental technical practices
3.1 Continuous integration and delivery
3.2 Continuous integration and delivery (Quiz)
3.3 Everything as code
3.4 Everything as code (Quiz)
3.5 Security automation
3.6 Security automation (Quiz)
3.7 The big picture
3.8 The big picture (Quiz)
Driving team alignment with discovery practices
4.1 Metrics-based process mapping
4.2 Metrics-based process mapping (Quiz)
4.3 Target outcomes
4.4 Target outcomes (Quiz)
4.5 Priority sliders
4.6 Priority sliders (Quiz)
Setting direction with options pivot practices
5.1 Impact and effort prioritization
5.2 Impact and effort prioritization (Quiz)
5.3 Value slicing
5.4 Value slicing (Quiz)
Delivering value with Agile methodologies
6.1 Agile ceremonies
6.2 Agile ceremonies (Quiz)
6.3 Kanban
6.4 Kanban (Quiz)
2 805 €
4 dagar
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