z/OS Management Facility Implementation and Use

z/OS Management Facility Implementation and Use


This intermediate course is intended for experienced system programmers and subsystem administrators responsible for installing and implementing z/OSMF in their enterprise.

The students must have basic knowledge of z/OS UNIX System Services (USS), and the skills normally required to install a z/OS product using SMP/E and batch jobs to update system data sets.

RACF knowledge is useful, as well as WebSphere 8.5 Liberty profile for z/OS.

  • Describe the purpose and benefit of z/OS Management Facility
  • Describe the functions provided by z/OS Management Facility
  • Describe the technical overview of z/OSMF features and architecture
  • Describe the z/OSMF client and server operating environment
  • Describe the systems management tasks and updates with every release
  • Indicate list of publications and references
  • Describe ordering and installing the z/OSMF software (code)
    • Using ServerPac or SMP/E
  • Describe setup and configuration overall process:
    • Configure z/OS prerequisites for plug-ins
    • Configure z/OSMF
  • Explain any migration issues or concerns
  • Describe the details of each function, updated for each release ofz/OSMF
  • Understand the detailed examples of how to use the z/OSMF features
  • Describe the z/OSMF tasks (and release of z/OS and z/OSMF that was introduced)
  • Manage the z/OSMF Administration:
    • Adding users, defining roles, new SAF-based authorization
    • Customize Welcome screen, add Links

You should have a good knowledge of z/OS at the level of a z/OS system programmer, acquired on the job or through the z/OS curriculum, including skills required to install and customize z/OS UNIX applications.

If the above prerequisites are not met, then the courses listed in the Curriculum are recommended.

Day 1

  • Welcome
  • Unit 1: z/OS Management Facility: Overview
  • Unit 2: z/OS Management Facility: Implementation and configuration
  • Exercise 1: z/OSMF planning and prerequisites

Day 2

  • Exercise 1:z/OSMF planning and prerequisites (continued)
  • Exercise 2: z/OS Management Facility configuration and setup
  • Unit 3: z/OS Management Facility: Usage
  • Exercise 3: z/OS Management Facility post-configuration and administration

Day 3

  • Unit 3: z/OS Management Facility: Usage (continued)
  • Exercise 4: z/OS Management Facility exploitation
  • Wrap-up

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24 285 kr

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