z/OS System Operators


This basic course is for IT personnel with little or no theoretical background of z/OS and little or no general practical in IS experience.

  • Describe System z usage of z/Architecture
  • Identify System z servers and their major components
  • Name z/OS functional groups and base elements
  • Describe the concept of virtual storage and its exploitation in z/OS
  • Issue z/OS commands with the correct syntax
  • Identify z/OS display commands that can be used to determine device and channel path status
  • Describe the use of VARY and CONFIG z/OS operator commands
  • Interpret the results of z/OS commands
  • Identify the differences between JES2 and JES3
  • Describe JES2 usage
  • SPOOLs and checkpoint data sets
  • Cold, warm, and hot starts
  • Commands to control resources and display job status
  • Describe the purpose and use of the following:
  • TSO
  • Allocating, displaying, and editing data set information with ISP/PDF panels
  • SDSF
  • Describe the naming rules for z/OS data sets
  • Describe the z/OS catalog structure
  • Describe the functions performed by DFSMS, DFSMSdss, DFSMShsm, and DFSMSrmm to help manage the data sets in a data center
  • Describe the function of JCL cataloged procedures
  • Identify the difference between MCS consoles and extended MCS consoles
  • Issue commands to determine the status and parameters of any console
  • Describe major console enhancements at z/OS 1.8, z/OS 1.10, and z/OS 2.1

You should have completed:

  • An Introduction to the z/OS Environment (ES050)

Day 1

  • Welcome
  • Unit 1: Review of System z servers and z/OS
  • Unit 2: z/OS MVS commands
  • Labs 1, 2, and 3

Day 2

  • Review
  • Unit 3: JES and TSO
  • Unit 4: z/OS data sets
  • Labs 4, 5, and 6

Day 3

  • Review
  • Unit 5: z/OS consoles operation
  • Labs 7, 8, and 9

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24 285 kr

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