Vad trendar på ditt område Milan Kratochvil?

Informator och Milan har ett mångårigt samarbete kring arkitektur, modularitet, modeller, och under de senaste tolv åren också AI – först Configure-to-order för modulära produkter, förkortat C2O, och några år senare AI och ML ur arkitektperspektiv.  Det händer mycket på Milans områden, för ett år sen kollade vi läget med Milan för att se vad som […]

AI/ML Textbook Case for any IT-architect: Saab Gripen E

An architect can view a Gripen operating under strict radio silence as a huge “Edge device” with an onboard network of smaller Edge devices, in a skillful mix od Edge patterns. By using machine learning algorithms and making decisions locally at the Edge, Gripen achieves significant savings of energy, time, bandwidth and network footprint. Fast […]

New AI colleague to help with emails, meetings and documents

The new Microsoft 365 Copilot service can help you organize meetings, manage emails and create documents like a colleague. A big change is its new Business Chat feature, which works across all Microsoft 365 apps and, like a real colleague, provides personalized assistance with everyday tasks and challenges. Business Chat allows users to chat with […]

Interview with ChatGPT trainer Immo Salo

Hello Immo, thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions. Firstly, how and when did you get to know ChatGPT? As a keen follower of OpenAI’s developments, I was thrilled when ChatGPT was announced and made available to the public. From the moment I heard about its release, I knew that I […]

AI, IT Architecture, and What to Expect in 2023-2030

The global AI market is predicted to seven-fold in 7 years, 2021-28, and the US National Security Commission on AI expects it to reorganize the future life of the world. It’s an easy guess that reshaping the field of AI and IT architecture itself is no exception. Resource-efficient algorithms The vulnerability of long HW-supply chains, […]

AI-Summer 2022: Hospital-green Apps Keep Level with Army-green

A new Market Study by Zion predicts the global AI market to seven-fold in 7 years, 2021-28. Military ICT and AI fill the headlines since February, ranging from apps such as StarLink or embedded/ avionics (see from 1:28 min. ) to Logistics and C5ISR (Command, control, communications, computers, cyberdefense, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance). Yet AI in […]

Edge AI: Architects, Keep Edging! Even after the Skiing Season

The current slalom between insecurity, logistics, and volatile energy/material/component supplies, is adding momentum to resource-efficient computing and green AI. Moreover, a recent video presentation by Amazon points out that up to 90% of the infrastructure costs for developing and running ML apps is inference. Train it sometimes, run it a lot of times In plain […]

Three Big AI News for IT-Architects, and UML or SysML Users

What I wrote about the ways AI affects architects, four years ago, fits into the architectural landscape of 2021 as well. That said, this summer I’m adding one of my “and vice versa-s”, to my quote from AI2 (The Allen Institute of AI, founded by Paul Allen of Microsoft) “Never mistake a clear view for […]

Learning for AI, and the other way too

A quote from neither Informator nor Tieturi, but from the Lancet medical journal, April 2021: “particularly deep learning, has changed our lives (…) deep learning systems capable of diagnosing skin cancer and fully autonomous AI approved for diabetic retinopathy screening (…) A key concern is how should clinicians be educated in these advances and what […]