HemSök efter kurserAvancerad TypeScript

Avancerad TypeScript

TypeScript has grown in popularity lately and now ranks as the eighth most popular programming language, worldwide. For frontend it is number one.

There are many reasons commonly cited for using TypeScript:

  • Helps developers avoid common mistakes in code
  • Reveals bugs earlier in the development chain
  • Makes it easier to familiarize yourself with code written by others
  • Makes it easier to use other people's code libraries
  • Makes it easier to navigate in large, complex projects
  • Makes refactoring easier and safer

What is, however, the biggest – and often decisive – advantage is that it simply becomes easier to code. TypeScript provides better "autocomplete", reducing the need to keep things in memory. It frees capacity for creativity and problem solving.


1 dag

10950 kr

Target group:

The course is aimed at developers who have a certain routine around programming, and who have used TypeScript in their daily coding.


Basic knowledge in TypeScript, corresponding to the course TypeScript basics. Programming skills

Course content: TypeScript advanced

The training covers:

  • Return types from Promises and functions
  • Try-catch block types
  • Type transformations:
    - Utility types such as Record and Extract
    - Type inference
    - Unions
    - Template Literals
    - Key remapping

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