C++ Basic Programming
This is the basic C++ course. You will have an introduction to all the basic parts of the quite extensive language C++ as in the latest standard.
Course focus is on practical use of the language for typical situations, and design in an object oriented way. All theory is applied in hands-on labs where all produced code is platform independent. The course is also IDE independent.
4 dagar
32950 kr
Target Group
Software developers with at least a basic knowledge in some other programming language, not necessarily object oriented.
- Achieve practical skills to read and write typical C++ code.
- Understanding the object oriented design of C++ code.
- Having an overview of the Standard Library.
Basic knowledge in some other programming language, not necessarily object oriented. Note that this is not an introduction to programming in general.
Outline of C++ Basic Programming
1. Introduction
2. Language Overview
- Object Oriented Programming
- Related Languages
- Program Structure and Syntax
3. Names, Variables and Types
- Naming Rules
- Definition and Declaration
- Scope
- Namespace
- Primitives and Literals
- Escape Characters
- Implicit Typecasting
- const
- enum and enum class
4. Expressions and Statements
- Statements
- Blocks
- Comments
- if-else, switch
- while, do-while, for, Range-based for
- brake, continue, return
5. Operators
- Arithmetic
- Comparison
- Logical
- Bit operators
- Others
- Precedence and Associativity
- Type Casting
6. Functions
- Definition
- Declaration
- Calling
- Default Arguments
- Value vs Reference Call
- Recursivity
- Overloading
- The main Function
7. Classes and Objects
- Class Definition
- Members
- Object State
- OO Analysis and Design
- Initialization and Constructors
- Destructor
- Resource Allocation
8. Modularization and Namespaces
- Declarations and Definitions
- Header Files
- Include Guard
- Linking
- Class Interface
- Namespace
- Typesafe Linking
9. Pointers and Arrays
- Pointer Types
- Pointer Operators
- Initializing
- Pointer to Object
- Const Pointers
- Arrays
- Array Indexing
- Array Initialization
- Strings
- Array of Arrays
- Arrays and Pointers
- Array/Pointer Arithmetic
10. Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Operator new
- Operator delete
- Owner Classes
- Linked List
- The this Pointer
- Function Pointers
- Pointers to Pointers
- typedef
11. More on Classes
- Objects as members
- Objects as arguments
- Static members
- Friends
- Constant methods
- Structs and unions
- Nested declarations
12. Derived Classes
- Base and Derived Classes
- Protected Members
- Initialization
- Type Conversion
- Dynamic Binding
- Abstract Classes
- Multiple Inheritance
13. Overloaded Operators
- The operator Keyword
- Member or Non-member
- Special Operator Rules
- Priority and Associativity
- The Assignment Operator
- Type Cast Operators
14. Exceptions
- Error handling
- Throw
- Exception Classes
- Catch
- Uncaught Exceptions
- Exception Declarations
15. Templates
- Function Templates
- Class Templates
- Template Programming
16. The Standard Library
- Collections
- Smart Pointers
- Streams
- Filesystem
- Threading
- Random Numbers
- Regular Expressions
- Time
- ”Bra kurs där man lär sig mycket! Mycket bra med exempel och labbar där man får prova själv att applicera det man lär sig.”
- ”Kunnig lärare. Bra exempel med svar på frågor man inte tänker på förrän man ställs inför ett problem.”
- ”Kursen känns heltäckande och är en bra introduktion.”