HemSök efter kurserContinuous Integration och testning med Jenkins

Continuous Integration och testning med Jenkins

In the course, we go through CI step by step, from setting up a Jenkins server and a simple build job, via starting to develop unit tests and module tests and following up on code coverage and other statistics, to fully automating the delivery.   We also go through some other modern software development tools like SonarQube which is used for continuous code quality monitoring and Gerrit which is used for continuous code review.   Continuous Integration, CI, is an increasingly common way to manage the complexity of modern development projects. Instead of writing a number of modules separately and then performing a time-consuming integration phase, often called "big bang", at the end of each project, you test each module separately from the very beginning and make sure that they can work together as early as possible in the development work.   Jenkins is the market-leading system for automating and following up integration and testing. r


2 dagar

20450 kr

Course Objectives

After completing the course, you have an understanding of CI and why Continuous Integration is used. You can set up a Jenkins server and create build jobs. You know what type of tests lend themselves to automation. You can produce unit tests in your favorite language and you can present the test results in a clear way. You also know how to work with debugging and with code review using Gerrit.

Target group

The target group is engineers working as developers or testers who need an understanding of CI and Jenkins as well as future Jenkins administrators and interested project managers.

Prior knowledge

  Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of software development and have programming experience in C++, Java or Python.

Course Content: Continuous Integration and testing with Jenkins

Part 1:

  • What exactly is Jenkins?
  • Installation
  • Basic configuration.
  • "My first Jenkins job"

Part 2:

  • Script the build process.
  • Create construction jobs.

Part 3:

  • Unit tests, module tests, performance tests, acceptance tests - What can be automated?
  • "The Walking Skeleton".
  • Writing test cases - xUnit for your favorite language.
  • Test Driven Development.
  • Code coverage.

Part 4:

  • Present test results.
  • Make the results clear - Radiators, Tray Icons, Lamps....
  • Claiming.

Part 5:

  • Troubleshooting.
  • File structure, search directly in the logs.

Part 6:

  • Automated deliveries.
  • Code review with Gerrit.

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