Informationsbehandling med SQL
3 dagar
25900 kr
Target group
This course is primarily aimed at system developers and programmers who must be able to develop and maintain applications against a database and advanced users who need to be able to formulate and ask their own questions against a database
You will learn:
- The SQL language: syntax, possibilities, limitations and functionality.
- How to create and maintain database structures
Prior knowledge
Used to working in a Windows environment: window management, etc. Experience with programming and with relational databases is an advantage, but absolutely not a requirement.
Course content: Information processing with SQL
1. Overview
- Basics of SQL
- Basic DBMS and relational databases
2. Start with SQL
- Arithmetic operations
- Union, Union All, Intersect and Minus
- Select statements and Where conditions
- Logical operators
3. Functions
- Numeric, string and conversion functions
- Functions in SQL: SUM, COUNT, AVG, MAX, MIN, etc
- Sorting (ORDER BY)
- Grouping (GROUP BY) with conditions (HAVING)
5. JOINS, Subqueries
- Subqueries in select statements
- Equi-join, Outer-join, Self-join, etc
6. Manipulation of data
- Insert and Update with subqueries
- Insert, Update and Delete
7. Data modeling
- Independent objects, dependent objects
- Simple review of a commonly used data modeling tool on the market