HemSök efter kurserRobotics Software (RPA) Basics

Robotics Software (RPA) Basics

During the course Basics Robotics Software You will gain a clear picture of what Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is about, how it is used to automate the organizational processes and how it can be used with other Artificial Intelligence techniques.

You will Also learn how to plan a typical RPA project, how to choose the process automation candidates for the RPA project and Which vendors providesprofessional RPA tools and services.

We Will Also see an RPA demo and learn, step-by-step, how to install a free training copy of one RPA tool from the Internet. In the end of the course there will be a workshop about planning Your own futures RPA project.


1 dag

12500 kr


The program is Aimed at those who want to gain a good foundation for Robotic Process Automation (RPA). You May be a project manager, team leader, line manager or any other senior position. The course suits leaders from all types of organizations.


No special prerequisites are required

Robotics Software (RPA) Basics course content

The training focuses on The Following: 

  • To learn the basics of RPA
  • To learn the Reasons behind the RPA's growth and how the RPA will Affect Workplaces
  • To learn how the RPA and AI correlate
  • To learn how the RPA can be used to complete other AI technologies
  • To learn the typical steps, roles and benefits of the RPA project
  • To learn how to install your own free training copy of one RPA tool 

Course content

  • What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?
  • The RPA technology is one of the many automation technologies, but perhaps the most effective one
  • Reasons behind the RPA's growth and the RPA's influence on the workplaces

Comparing the RPA and AI

  • How do RPA and AI correlate? When to use the RPA and When AI / Machine Learning?
  • What is Automation Continuum (Do, Think, Learn)?

The RPA project steps and benefits of the RPA projects

  • Planning the RPA project (steps, roles and Project Benefits) 
  • RPA vendors 
  • One RPA demo and instructions how to install a "free copy" of one RPA tool 
  • Workshop: Planning the RPA project Steps for Your own organization.