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48 sökresultat

Sortera sökresultat:

Rekommenderad Kursstart Pris

UX Research

Tillsammans med UX Design, utgör UX Research grunden i User Experience-arbetet. Kunskapen om målgrupper, kunder och användare, befintliga som nya potentiella och insikter om deras ...
2 dagar 19-20 Aug
15-16 Oct
11-12 Dec
16900 kr

Tillgänglighet - WCAG

Det tillgänglighetsdirektiv som kom från EU blev svensk lag för några år sedan och gäller offentlig sektor. Den 28 juni 2025 träder den nya versionen ...
1 dag 22 Aug
1 Oct
20 Dec
9900 kr

C# - Introduktion

This training gives you a solid foundation for working with C# and the .NET framework. The course goes through the basics of object orientation, syntax ...
3 dagar 10-12 Sep
26950 krELLER
3 training card days

AWS cloud practitioner essentials

Validate your cloud expertise with an industry-recognized credential and grow your career This course will cover the topics and techniques you will need to be successful ...
1 dag 28 Aug
29 Oct
9950 kr

Strategisk och praktisk UX

De allra flesta företag väljer idag att använda agila utvecklingsmetoder. UX är en viktig del av all digital tjänsteutveckling. Så hur ska man på bästa ...
2 dagar 5-6 Sep
19-20 Nov
16900 kr

Developing on AWS

Learn from AWS experts. Advance your skills and knowledge. Build your future in the AWS cloud. In this course, you will learn how to use ...
3 dagar 24-26 Sep
26-28 Nov
20450 kr

Webbutveckling med Angular och Typescript

When it comes to "batteries included" frameworks for web development, Angular has established a unique position. In this course we go through the pure basics ...
3 dagar 26-27 Sep
28-29 Nov
28450 kr

JavaScript och modern webbutveckling

Javascript-based technology has come to form an increasingly large part of the stack for many organizations. This course is specifically designed to update working developers ...
3 dagar 10-12 Sep
28450 kr

Building ASP.NET Core APIs

In this course, we will guide you through the process of creating ASP.NET Core-based REST APIs and services, utilizing the cutting-edge features and enhancements introduced ...
2 dagar 16-17 Sep
11-12 Nov
20450 krELLER
2 training card days

C# Avancerad

Efter att ha bekantat dig med grunderna i "C# Introduktion", är denna kurs en naturlig fortsättning. Men oroa dig inte om du hoppade över introduktionen ...
3 dagar 8-10 Oct
3-5 Dec
26950 krELLER
3 training card days

AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure

This course teaches developers how to create end-to-end solutions in Microsoft Azure. Students will learn how to implement Azure compute solutions, create Azure Functions, implement ...
5 dagar
36950 krELLER
5 training card days

Grunderna i React

Vill du skapa webbappar som är snabba, skalbara och lätta att bygga? I den här praktiska kursen går vi igenom grunderna i React så att ...
2 dagar
20450 krELLER
2 training card days

Programming for beginners

This course is suitable for those who have no prior experience in programming and want to learn how to program, and for those who have ...
3 dagar
22000 krELLER
3 training card days

Angular grundkurs

Utforska potentialen inom modern webbutveckling med denna grundkurs i Angular. Kursen riktar sig till utvecklare som vill få fart på sin karriär genom att lära sig ...
2 dagar 22-23 Aug
7-8 Nov
21450 krELLER
2 training card days

DevOps Engineering on AWS

Learn from AWS experts. Advance your skills and knowledge. Build your future in the AWS cloudIn this course, you will learn the most common DevOps ...
3 dagar 15-17 Oct
20450 kr

Avancerad TypeScript

TypeScript has grown in popularity lately and now ranks as the eighth most popular programming language, worldwide. For frontend it is number one. There are ...
1 dag
10950 krELLER
1 training card day

Bättre tillståndshantering i React

Lär dig bättre metoder för tillståndshantering så att du slipper att alltid ta till storsläggan med Redux eller Context. De flesta problemen handlar om synkronisering av ...
1 dag
10950 krELLER
1 training card day

Grunderna i TypeScript

TypeScript has grown in popularity lately and now ranks as the eighth most popular programming language, worldwide. For frontend it is number one. There are ...
1 dag
10950 krELLER
1 training card day

Introduction to OpenID Connect and OAuth

OpenID Connect is the de-facto standard we should use for handling authentication and authorization in modern applications. However, it can still be very complex and ...
1 dag 16 Sep
11 Nov
10950 krELLER
1 training card day

Securing ASP.NET using OpenID Connect and IdentityServer

Today we face many authentication and authorization challenges when we’re designing and developing modern applications. The requirements are more challenging than ever, especially when we ...
3 dagar 16-18 Sep
11-13 Nov
26950 krELLER
3 training card days

Service Communication - REST vs. GrapQL vs. gRPC

Effective service communication is crucial in an era where microservices and distributed architectures are ubiquitous. This one-day course introduces the three primary API communication styles: ...
1 dag 16 Sep
11 Nov
10950 krELLER
1 training card day


I denna kurs ger vi de studerande en ordentlig djupdykning i UI-verktyget Figma, som är närmast det enda man använder idag för att utveckla UI-skisser, ...
2 dagar
20450 krELLER
2 training card days

Grundkurs i Vue 3

Vue 3 är ett populärt JavaScript-ramverk som hjälper till att bygga användargränssnitt och enkelsidiga applikationer. Den är lätt att komma igång med och erbjuder en ...
4 dagar
34500 krELLER
4 training card days

Python Programming - Advanced

Python är ett interpreterande, objektorienterat, modulärt språk med stor flexibilitet. Syntaxen är enkel och språket är så kraftfullt att man kan utveckla stora projekt i ...
1 dag
10950 krELLER
1 training card day

RUST - Advanced Programming

The course is based on practical experiments that end in production-ready RUST applications
2 dagar
20450 krELLER
2 training card days

Security testing Java Web applications

Your Web application written in Java is tested functionally, so you are done, right? But did you consider feeding in incorrect values? 16Gbs of data? ...
3 dagar
32900 krELLER
3 training card days

Skalbara komponenter i React - fördjupning

När man jobbar med ramverk som React eller Vue är det lätt att i början koda in sig i ett hörn rent tekniskt. Att få ...
2 dagar
20450 krELLER
2 training card days

Skalbara komponenter i Vue - fördjupning

När man jobbar med ramverk som React eller Vue är det lätt att i början koda in sig i ett hörn rent tekniskt. Att få ...
2 dagar
20450 krELLER
2 training card days

Web Application Development with React

With a focus on hands-on learning, practical application, and continuous improvement, our 3-week Web Application Development with React training program will prepare students to become ...
15 dagar
57000 kr

Web application security in Python

Your Web application written in Python works as intended, so you are done, right? But did you consider feeding in incorrect values? 16Gbs of data? ...
3 dagar
32900 krELLER
3 training card days


Säkerhet är ett komplext område utspridet på såväl frontend och backend (och ännu djupare i stacken). I denna kurs kikar vi på de tekniker som ...
3 dagar
25900 krELLER
3 training card days

Introduction to Javascript

 - A Beginner's Guide to Web Development This course is designed for beginners who want to learn Javascript, one of the most popularprogramming languages used for ...
2 dagar
21450 krELLER
5 training card days

DO380 Red Hat OpenShift Administration III: Scaling Deployments in the Enterprise

Red Hat OpenShift Administration III: Scaling Kubernetes Deployments in the Enterprise (DO380) expands upon the skills required to plan, implement, and manage OpenShift® clusters in ...
5 dagar
3108 €ELLER
10 training card days

DO322 Red Hat OpenShift Installation Lab

Installing OpenShift on a cloud, virtual, or physical infrastructure. Red Hat OpenShift Installation Lab (DO322) teaches essential skills for installing an OpenShift cluster in a range ...
3 dagar 12-14 Aug
1800 €ELLER
6 training card days

RH342 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Diagnose problems, gather information, and fix common issues with Red Hat Enterprise Linux The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Diagnostics and Troubleshooting course (RH342) provides system administrators ...
5 dagar 19-23 Aug
3600 €ELLER
10 training card days

DO417 Microsoft Windows Automation with Red Hat Ansible

Learn how to automate administration on Windows Server to enable your DevOps workflow Microsoft Windows Automation with Red Hat Ansible (DO417) is designed for Windows Server ...
5 dagar 26-30 Aug
3600 €ELLER
10 training card days

Introduction to Containers and Kubernetes

This one-day training class strikes a balance between theoretical concepts and practical hands-on exercises. Participants will engage in instructor-led presentations, group discussions, and interactive lab ...
1 dag 16 Sep
11 Nov
10950 krELLER
1 training card day

DO288 Red Hat OpenShift Developer II: Building and Deploying Cloud-native Applications

 Design, Build, and Deploy containerized applications on Red Hat OpenShift  Red Hat OpenShift Development II: Containerizing Applications (DO288), teaches you how to design, build, and deploy ...
5 dagar 26-30 Aug
23-27 Sep
3600 €ELLER
10 training card days

eXtreme Automation

This 3-day workshop focuses on solving challenges that organisations face when implementing DevOps initiatives. It introduces principles of DevOps and tools that help reach full ...
3 dagar 25-27 Sep
1199 €ELLER
3 training card days

Aws security essentials

AWS Security Essentials covers fundamental AWS cloud security concepts, including AWS access control, data encryption methods, and how network access to your AWS infrastructure can ...
1 dag 30 Aug
31 Oct
9950 krELLER
1 training card day

Running containers on Amazon elastic kubernetes service

Amazon EKS makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install, operate, and maintain your own Kubernetes control plane. In this ...
3 dagar 20-22 Nov
20450 kr

Migrating to AWS

This course is for individuals who seek an understanding of how to plan and migrate existing workloads to the AWS Cloud. You will learn about ...
3 dagar 10-12 Dec
20450 kr

Developing Serverless Solutions on AWS

This course gives developers exposure to and practice with best practices for building serverless applications using AWS Lambda and other services in the AWS serverless ...
3 dagar 17-19 Dec
20450 kr

AD248 Red Hat JBoss Application Administration I

Install, configure, and manage Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Red Hat JBoss Application Administration I teaches you the best practices for installing and configuring Red Hat® ...
5 dagar
3075 €ELLER
10 training card days

CL110 Red Hat OpenStack Administration I: Core Operations for Domain Operators

Learn to operate a Red Hat® OpenStack Platform private cloud and manage domain resources to secure and deploy modern, scalable cloud applications, networks and storage Red ...
5 dagar
3075 €ELLER
10 training card days

Introduction to Application Development with ReactJS: A Hands

- A Hands-On Guide to Building Web Applications This course is designed for software developers who want to learn how to build web applications using ReactJS.The ...
2 dagar
21459 krELLER
5 training card days

Jira Software - Essentials

This course is only delivered as costumer specific training with a group of persons from the same company! In this course, you will learn: How to ...
1 dag
1 training card day

Security Engineering on AWS

In this intermediate course, you will learn how to efficiently use AWS security services to stay secure and compliant in the AWS cloud. We will ...
3 dagar
20450 krELLER
3 training card days