Tue, Apr 6, 2021 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM CEST
14.30.-15.30 Finnish time
Our interactive cyber security awareness for management primer will arm you with everything you need to know about how hackers think and operate without the techie bits. Live demos, practical examples, real life cases, thought provoking discussion and deep insight will arm you with everything you need to know about how a threat actor might target you or your organisation and how to avoid falling victim. Following these lively workshop sessions, you’ll not only walk away with the cyber know-how, but with confidence, reassurance and actionable guidance that can be used to keep you and your company one step ahead and more secure for the future.
Day 1 – 6th April – Agenda
– Digital footprints
– Human factors and phishing (with live demo)
Day 2 – 7th April – Agenda
– Remote working
– P@ssw0rd ins3cur1ty! (with live demo)
Day 3 – 8th April – Agenda
– Staying ahead of the curve
About the Presenters:
Will Hunt – Will (@Stealthsploit) co-founded In.security in 2018. He’s been in infosec for over a decade and has helped secure many organisations through technical security services and training. Will’s delivered hacking courses globally at several conferences including Black Hat and has spoken at various conferences and events. Will also assists the UK government in various technical, educational and advisory capacities. Before Will was a security consultant he was an experienced digital forensics consultant and trainer. Owen
Shearing – Owen (@rebootuser) is a co-founder of In.security, a specialist cyber security consultancy offering technical and training services based in the UK. He has a strong background in networking and IT infrastructure, with well over a decade of experience in technical security roles. Owen has provided technical training to a variety of audiences at bespoke events as well as Black Hat, Wild West Hackin’ Fest, NolaCon, 44CON and BruCON. He keeps projects at https://github.com/rebootuser