Git for developers

Course Summary

Git is a version control system specifically designed to manage large complex distributed projects.
It was originally designed for the development of the Linux kernel, which is developed by thousands of volunteer developers.
Although Git is designed for complex systems, it works equally well for small projects and for custom development.
The philosophy has been that the development of a large complex project is broken down into small projects that are developed independently by teams, or individual developers, and that there is a structured way to approve and incorporate changes into the main release.
More and more people are choosing to use Git as a version control tool in their development, often in conjunction with Continuous Integration, where they continuously integrate changes into their product in an automated way.
For example, Ericsson has chosen to use Git in many of its development projects.
In the course, we go through the tool, put it in context and do practical exercises to gain an understanding of how the tool is used for version management.

At the end of the course, you will have an understanding of why you should use a version control system and what advantages Git offers over other similar systems. You know how to work with Git in your own development environment, in your team’s environment, and in a complex distributed environment. You can create and manage branches and tags. You can check in changes. You can perform a rebase and a merge. and do push and pull against other repositories.

The target audience is software developers, testers, aspiring Git administrators or interested project managers who need an understanding of Git and how to use the tool for version management both in daily work and in collaboration with others in complex distributed projects.

Participants are expected to have basic knowledge of how to work with software development.


The training material is written in English. The training can be conducted in either Swedish or English.

This course has no certification.


  • What is a version control system and why should you use one?
  • Create a repository. Configure it. Do an initial check-in and a simple push.
  • Review of the basic concepts such as repository, index, commit and SHA1 hash code.
  • Manage indexes and add and remove files.
  • Look at the log.
  • Look at the differences.


  • Merge.
  • Rebase and Squash.
  • When to use Merge or Rebase?
  • Conflict management.

Useful settings

  • Ignore files.
  • commit parts of an amendment.
  • Stash.
  • Tags.

Collaborate with other repositories

  • Local and remote branch.
  • Fetch, merge, pull.
  • Push.

Sector strategies

  • cattle
  • Industry by Feature.


  • Hooks.
  • Porcelain and Plumbing.

Code review with Gerrit

Course Overview

10 950 kr

1 day

Can’t find a (suitable) date, but are interested in the course? Send in an expression of interest and we will do what we can to find a suitable opportunity.

Customized Courses

The course can be adapted from several perspectives:

  • Content and focus area
  • Extent and scope
  • Delivery approach

In interaction with the course leader, we ensure that the course meets your needs.

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