Leaders who are good at leading people do not need to intimidate their co-workers, or use old fashioned motivational methods as carrot and stick (reward and punishment). Instead leaders need to strive to create work environments, which take into consideration the co-workers’ needs, tap into their inner motivation, which in turn enables them do an excellent job.
If you are in a work environment, which don’t care about the human side of the organisation, try not to get too affected about it, or loose self-confidence due to insulting forces in the organisation. (Mind your words how you respond, so you do not regret it later.) Don’t waste your energy to try to change these people. Use your own internal strength to ride out others’ selfish interests or negative cultural provocations. Learn from your true nature and gifts. Use them to develop a vision of great things you want to accomplish. Seek to work with tasks that match your unique talents and which tap to your inner motivation.
You have the power to choose the direction of your life, therefore you can reinvent yourself, and change the future for yourself. We are not a product of how other people treat us. They influence us, but they do not determine us. Our past does not have to determine our future. Instead we can use the negative experiences of our past to fuel our motivation to succeed in life.
Informator conducts trainings in what really motivates people, how to create motivational environments and good co-operation. For more information please see: Reiss Motivationsprofiler för individ och grupp – för smidigare samarbete These trainings can also be tailored according to clients’ needs (in English, Swedish and Finnish).
Aila Kekkonen
Better Future, personnel and leader development