HTML5 Lands at Informator

Illustration by Will Phillips Jr.

The future of the Web has landed—HTML5 is here!

”Hej” everybody, my name is Peter Lubbers and I am the Senior Director of Training at Kaazing, a start-up company specialized in building a high-performance HTML5 WebSocket platform that revolutionizes web communication. Kaazing was also the first company to offer HTML5 training world-wide.

Kaazing recently partnered with Informator to deliver cutting-edge HTML5 training in Scandinavia and we could not be more excited! I’m already looking forward to the next training course in Stockholm in June. I live in the United States, but I am originally from The Netherlands. My sister Alice actually moved to Sweden many years ago. She lives in Genarp (close to Malmo and Lund) and hope I will have some time to visit her, my brother-in-law Staffan, and my two sweet nieces Gabriella and Elektra when I come down next.

A little bit more about myself: After about 8 years as an Information Architect at Oracle, where I worked on (X)HTML and PDF automation tools and writing books and training curriculum, I joined Kaazing in 2008 to handle all their documentation and training. I also helped evangelize the WebSocket standard that we helped define. In 2009 I teamed up with two of my Kaazing colleagues—Brian Albers and Frank Salim—to write one of the very first books on HTML5 called Pro HTML5 Programming (Apress), which is now already in its second edition. and in 2010 I founded the San Francisco HTML5 User Group, which is the largest HTML5 User Group in the World.

Bonus: if you’ve read this far, you can use coupon code 50OFFHTML5 to receive a 50% discount of the e-book

In our HTML5 training, we don’t just show you a catalog course of new features and some code snippets to demonstrate how the code works; instead we show you practical use cases for each feature in the context of the modern web apps you are building or about to build.

HTML5 Logo by W3C

Our brand-new HTML5 Mobile Mastery course, designed by Kaazing’s top curriculum architect Richard Clark is a good example of that. Everything is rapidly moving to mobile these days, and you can now build web applications that are on par, or even better than, desktop applications. If you combine HTML5 features like WebSockets, Offline File and Data Storage (Local Storage, IndexedDB, and Application Cache), Device Access features (Geolocation etc.), and rich graphics using Canvas, SVG, and CSS3 you can build a completely new new type of application that is nothing like the old static web pages or polling Ajax apps of the past. In some future blog posts I’ll discuss some of the specific things you’ll learn about in the training courses.

Although I spend most of my time teaching and writing about HTML5, I do enjoy a few other hobbies. in my spare time I like skydiving and bungee-jumping. I live on the edge of the Tahoe National Forest and love to run ultra-marathons (anything longer than a marathon). In fact, I even maintain a blog about ultrarunning.

Oh, and, you can follow me on Twitter: @peterlubbers