Quantum computers are finally here and now it is the time to start learning and experimenting what we can do with them. First examples are already available and also first quantum computers are already accessible in the cloud.
The purpose of this webinar is to give an overview of where are we at the moment and what can be expected for the near-term future. We will introduce the concept of quantum computing, key technologies, key players and also few practical examples about how quantum computing can already be used.
During the webinar we will not show any code examples, but we will briefly introduce the core concepts and most well-known frameworks used in the actual quantum development.
Aim of the webinar is to give you a profound understanding what is the current situation and especially what you can realistically expect to happen in the coming years. Most likely quantum revolution will have an impact in all industries. Welcome aboard!
Immo Salo, Qubit Value. Almost 20 years of experience in ICT training in companies and universities