Educational planning

Create and run training programs

Informator knows that learning requires more than individual training interventions. Learning takes place through a combination of education, practice and application.
A training program should therefore consist of several different activities, including self-study, instructor-led training, exercises and coaching.    

Support for planning

Developing well-designed competence plans requires both time and expertise. A competence plan describes how the organization will develop its competences, both at group and individual level, and ensures that the right skills are available for future needs.

Creating a relevant and effective plan requires the right input:

  • A clear understanding of the business objectives and future skills needs
  • An overview of current skill levels
  • Learning conditions, adapted to the nature of the activity and the resources available

With these insights, we can develop a skills plan that not only supports today’s needs but also equips the business for the future.

Developing the Plan

The competence plan identifies the target groups concerned by the training intervention. We often divide the actions into three levels:

  1. Actions that affect everyone in the business
  2. Actions targeting a specific function or team
  3. Interventions tailored to individuals

The plan also describes how these actions will be implemented and monitored to ensure that the objectives are achieved.

Informator has the expertise to create clear and well-structured plans that include all the necessary information for successful implementation.

Driving implementation

Once the competence plan is in place, it should be implemented. The informateur can support both the planning and implementation of training activities, including

  • Planning the implementation together with trainers
  • Booking and administration of training facilities
  • Handling of staff complaints
  • Communication with participants before, during and after the training session
  • Follow-up with both participants and clients

With our help, implementation will be smooth and efficient.

For more information, please contact

Ola Källgården