Many times, you need to be very creative to create advanced good-looking charts in Excel. It is not as easy as many of us knows.
Here in Tieturi and Informator we have created a great new class for visualizing in Excel. 19 April in Finnish in Helsinki and in Stockholm in Swedish April 20 and May 26.
Here is one goodies we cover, a Gant-chart.
It is a simple stacked bar chart where one data series is made invisible (fill none, border no border). The x-axis is formatted as date. The issue here is the date format if you want to start your chart at a specific date. You have only date serial number you can use. Therefore, I typed the start day in a cell with general number format to get the correct serial number, here 42795. After that, I copy this number to the Format Axis minimum box.
Y-axis I have put in reverse order so I get the action 1 on top and the last action at bottom. After that, I have formatted different parts of the Chart a little so it is more readable, like x-axis date format and location in the chart etc.
Interested? Come and enjoy our class in either Helsinki or Stockholm and have fun with Excel! Read more about the course Excel power workshop here.
Boris Isaksson, jobbar som senior konsult på Tieturi – Informator.
Boris har jobbat med Excel och rapportering ända sedan 1980-talet och även varit med och byggt olika applikationer till företag relaterade just till Excel och rapportering.