AD248 Red Hat JBoss Application Administration I

AD248 Red Hat JBoss Application Administration I


Audience Profile

System administrators who are either new to Red Hat JBoss or have experience with Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6

  • Base experience with system administration on Microsoft Windows, UNIX, or Linux® operating systems
  • Understanding of hardware and networking

Note: No prior knowledge of Java, scripting, or JBoss Developer Studio is required.

Outline of AD248 Red Hat JBoss Application Administration I

Overview of JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss EAP)

  • Learn the concepts and terminology of JBoss EAP 7.
  • Install and run a JBoss EAP instance.
  • Understand extensions, profiles, and subsystems

Configure JBoss EAP in standalone mode

  • Run and configure JBoss EAP in standalone mode.
  • Configure interfaces and socket binding groups.

Script configure and deploy applications

  • Configure JBoss EAP with command line interface.
  • Deploying applications in standalone mode.

Configure JBoss Enterprise Application Platform as a managed domain

  • Run JBoss EAP as a managed domain.
  • Assign a domain controller.
  • Configure a host controller and domain controller.

Configure servers in a managed domain

  • Manage domain server architecture.
  • Configure servers and server groups.

Configure datasources

  • Explore the datasource subsystem and configure JDBC drivers, datasources, and an XA datasource.

Configure the logging subsystem

  • Configure loggers and logging handlers.

Configure the messaging subsystem

  • Explore the messaging subsystem.
  • Configure messaging resources, journals, and other settings.

Secure JBoss EAP

  • Configure a database security realm, an LDAP security realm, and password vault.
  • Secure a JMS Destination.

Configure the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

  • Configure the JVM in standalone mode and in a managed domain.

Configure the web subsystem

  • Explore and configure the features of the web subsystem.

Deploy clustered applications

  • Explore clustered applications.
  • Configure subsystems that support clustered applications and configure load balancing.
  • Deploy HA Singleton applications.

Configure the batch subsystem

  • Explore and configure batch jobs and batch subsystem.

Discover new features in JBoss EAP 7

  • Explore the new features in JBoss EAP 7.
  • Migrate JBoss EAP 6 applications to JBoss EAP 7.

Comprehensive Review of Red Hat JBoss Application Administration I

  • Review the tasks in Red Hat JBoss Application Administration I.

Note: Course outline is subject to change with technology advances and as the nature of the underlying job evolves. For questions or confirmation on a specific objective or topic, contact a training specialist online.

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