AD482 Developing Event-Driven Applications with Apache Kafka and Red Hat AMQ Streams

AD482 Developing Event-Driven Applications with Apache Kafka and Red Hat AMQ Streams


Develop, scale, and troubleshoot event-driven microservice applications.

Learn to use Kafka and AMQ Streams to design, develop, and test event-driven applications. Event-driven microservices scale globally, store and stream process data, and provide low-latency feedback to customers. This course is for application developers and is based on Red Hat AMQ Streams 1.8 and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.6.

  • Describe the basics of Kafka and its architecture.
  • Develop applications with the Kafka Streams API.
  • Integrate applications with Kafka Connect.
  • Capture data change with Debezium.
  • Troubleshoot common application streaming issues.


  • As a result of attending this course, students will understand the architecture of Kafka and AMQ Streams and will be able to identify proper use cases for event-driven applications. In addition to learning the fundamental principles and features of Kafka and AMQ Streams, Students will learn how to design, develop, and test event-driven applications.
  • Design, build, and use event-driven applications for relevant scenarios with standard patterns.
    – Detect and react to data changes with Debezium to improve application performance.
    – Troubleshoot common problems with event-driven applications.Students should be able to demonstrate the following skills:

Application developers with microservice development experience.

  • Experience with microservice application development and design, such as DO378 or equivalent experience.
  • OpenShift experience is recommended, but not required.

Te­ch­no­lo­gy con­si­de­ra­tions

  • BYOD classroom environment with access to the shared cluster.
  • A cloud-based classroom environment will also be made available.

Outline for this course

De­sig­ning Event-Dri­ven Ap­pli­ca­tions Descri­be the prin­ciples of event-dri­ven ap­pli­ca­tions.

In­tro­du­cing Kaf­ka and AMQ Streams Con­cepts Build ap­pli­ca­tions with ba­sic read-and-wri­te mes­sa­ging ca­pa­bi­li­ti­es.

Buil­ding Ap­pli­ca­tions with the Streams API Le­ve­rage the Streams API to cre­a­te data strea­ming ap­pli­ca­tions.

Cre­a­ting Asynchro­nous Ser­vices with Event Col­la­bo­ra­tion Cre­a­te and mi­gra­te to asynchro­nous ser­vices using the event col­la­bo­ra­tion pat­tern.

In­teg­ra­ting Data Systems with Kaf­ka Con­nect Con­nect data systems and re­act to data changes using Kaf­ka Con­nect and De­be­zi­um.

Trou­bles­hoo­ting AMQ Streams Ap­pli­ca­tions Hand­le com­mon pro­blems in Kaf­ka and AMQ Streams ap­pli­ca­tions.


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