RH442 Red Hat Performance Tuning: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and Cloud

RH442 Red Hat Performance Tuning: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and Cloud


Red Hat Performance Tuning: Linux in Physical, Virtual, and Cloud (RH422) teaches senior Linux® system administrators the methodology of performance tuning. This course discusses system architecture with an emphasis on understanding its implications on system performance, performance adjustments, open source benchmarking utilities, networking performance, and tuning configurations for specific server use cases and workloads.

This course is based on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 8.

Course content summary

  • Analyze and tune for resource-specific scenarios
  • Applying tuning profiles with the tuned tool
  • Tune in virtual environments (hosts and guests)
  • Trace and profile system events and activities
  • Tune resource limits and utilization using systemd-integrated cgroups
  • Gather performance metrics and benchmarking data
  • Senior Linux system administrators responsible for maximizing resource utilization through performance tuning

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In­tro­du­ce per­for­man­ce tu­ning Descri­be per­for­man­ce tu­ning con­cepts and go­als.

Se­lect per­for­man­ce mo­ni­to­ring tools Eva­lu­a­te the lar­ge se­lec­tion of per­for­man­ce mo­ni­to­ring tools that are in­clu­ded with Red Hat En­ter­pri­se Li­nux.

View hard­wa­re re­sour­ces View and in­ter­pret hard­wa­re re­sour­ce lis­tings.

Con­fi­gu­re ker­nel tu­na­bles and tu­ned pro­fi­les Con­fi­gu­re the ope­ra­ting sy­stem to tune for dif­fe­rent worklo­ad requi­re­ments.

Ma­nage re­sour­ce li­mits with con­trol groups Ma­nage re­sour­ce con­ten­tion and set li­mits for re­sour­ce use on ser­vices, ap­pli­ca­tions, and users using cgroup con­fi­gu­ra­tion.

Ana­ly­ze per­for­man­ce using sy­stem tra­cing tools Di­a­gno­se sy­stem and ap­pli­ca­tion be­ha­vi­ors using a va­ri­e­ty of re­sour­ce-spe­ci­fic tra­cing tools.

Tune CPU uti­li­za­tion Ma­nage CPU re­sour­ce sha­ring and sche­du­ling to con­trol uti­li­za­tion.

Tune me­mo­ry uti­li­za­tion Ma­nage set­tings for ef­fi­ci­ent me­mo­ry uti­li­za­tion for dif­fe­rent ty­pes of worklo­ads.

Tune sto­rage de­vice I/​O Ma­nage set­tings for ef­fi­ci­ent disk uti­li­za­tion in va­ri­ous use ca­ses.

Tune file sy­stem uti­li­za­tion Ma­nage ap­pli­ca­tion ef­fi­ci­en­cy for file sy­stem uti­li­za­tion.

Tune network uti­li­za­tion Ma­nage ap­pli­ca­tion ef­fi­ci­en­cy for network uti­li­za­tion.

Tune in vir­tu­a­li­za­tion en­vi­ron­ments Dis­tin­gu­ish the requi­re­ments for tu­ning in vir­tu­a­li­zed en­vi­ron­ments.

Per­form com­pre­hen­si­ve re­vi­ew De­mon­stra­te skills le­ar­ned in this cour­se by ob­ser­ving sy­stem per­for­man­ce using the ap­pro­pri­a­te tools, eva­lu­a­ting sy­stem metrics, and con­fi­gu­ring set­tings to im­pro­ve per­for­man­ce.


3 600 

5 Dagar




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