Introduction to artificial intelligence

Introduction to artificial intelligence

Course Summary

During the Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course, you will get an overview of what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all about, different types of capabilities and how your organization can get started. We will go through examples of different capabilities in image and video processing, voice interaction, data processing and chat.
We will also introduce tips and practical resources on how to get started with AI. The course covers, among other things:

  • What is AI
  • An overview of the capabilities AI offers
  • How to use AI capabilities in your organization
  • Some practical applications of AI that you can use right away
  • What the future of AI could look like


The program is aimed at those who want to get an introduction to the current state and possibilities of artificial intelligence and how you can benefit from it. You may be a project manager, team leader, line manager or any other senior position. The course is suitable for leaders from all types of organizations.

No prior knowledge needed

In this course no certification has

Patrik is an appreciated course leader with a special ability to understand what the participants already know and what pieces of knowledge they lack. He is skilled at conveying how things are connected and can be used practically.

Patrick’s courses mix theory with practical exercises, giving participants the opportunity to directly apply what they learn. With over 35 years of experience in areas such as AI, leadership, requirements management, architecture, development and testing, he has solid experience in most areas related to software development.

Course content

What is AI

  • What is AI?
  • Brief history of the development of AI

Types of AI

  • Traditional AI
  • Machine Learning (Machine Learning)

Machine learning in practice

  • What is machine learning
  • Machine learning tools
  • How to build a solution with machine learning

Cognitive services in the cloud, on-premises and at the edge

  • What services are available to use?
  • How to use ready-made services?
  • How to install the services on local servers or on other equipment

AI projects in practice

  • Develop a business case for the problem you want to solve
  • How to set up an AI project
  • How to go to a production environment

ChatGPT and other large language models (LLM)

  • How does ChatGPT work and how can I control it
  • Group work: How to get the answer I need from ChatGPT
  • How to build your own version of ChatGPT
  • How to connect ChatGPT with other applications

Generating images with DALL-E and other tools

  • Introduction to image generation
  • How can I control AI generation of images
  • Group work: Generating images

Next AI waves

  • What skills do we think will come next
  • How AI capabilities affect our society



You will get a quick overview of what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all about and how it can be used by you and your organization.

Course Overview

9 900 kr

1 day

Can’t find a (suitable) date, but are interested in the course? Send in an expression of interest and we will do what we can to find a suitable opportunity.

Customized Courses

The course can be adapted from several perspectives:

  • Content and focus area
  • Extent and scope
  • Delivery approach

In interaction with the course leader, we ensure that the course meets your needs.

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